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PCOIP on Linux with Horizon Agent


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Is anyone running pcoip on linux machines deployed through VM Ware horizon?

We are trying to deploy machines using full clones and an automatic pool in Horizon using pass through nvidia grid vgpu. This part works fine, the machines deploy correctly from the template and the agent customises them successfully.

We are then using HP Anywhere (Terdici) to use PCoIP to connect to them. The issue we are seeing is that the session fails. The Xorg logs complains about no devices and the messages logs suggests Xorg is crashing.

In testing we have found that uninstalling the horizon agent after image deployment allows PCoIP to function normally.

I’m not sure yet but it seems that the agent may be taking over the display manager and not allowing PCoIP. Just stopping the viewagent service doesn’t have any effect, I can't see any specific horizon modules loading and lsof | grep nvidia* shows notihng.

Additionally, using the standard teradici agent (no 3d graphics support) also works but it picks up the vmware svga adaptor.

Has anyone else encountered similar issues when trying to use both of these together?


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Just an update in case anyone has the same issue. Tracked this back the agent changing some of the udev rules. Removing the file '30-vmware-vgpu-udev.rules' from /etc/udev/rules/d and then running 'udevadm control --reload-rules' and a reboot allowed the Teradici client to connect.

Forgot to add this is on Rocky 9.3.

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