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[SOLVED] APP VOL certificates with load balancer

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Im configuring a pair of App Volumes that will work behind a load balancer (F5). 

  • I've installed the firsta app volume without problems
  • I have installed the domain CA certificate on it
  • Later I have created the .CRT and .KEY for the PEM certificates (with OpenSSL)
  • I have copied them on the specific route
  • Finally I have modified the nginx.conf file with the name of the certificates
  • After restarting the server all works fine and I can access to each App vol server with https

However when configuring the load balancer, the customer has provided a SSL certificate for the load balancer url: appvol.mydomain.local

So now Im suposed to configure that certificate on the nginx... how should I do it?

As far as I know the nginx config file can only point to one certificate at time. 

Thanks in advance!

Edited by D81
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  • D81 changed the title to APP VOL certificates with load balancer

A little feedback here...

I have deleted the last certificate on both app volumes and I have created a new one.

The certificate is configured in that way on server Appvol01:

  • CN = appvol01.mydomain.local
  • DNS= appvol01.mydomain.local
  • DNS= appvolbalance.mydomain.local

And the second server will have this certificate:

  • CN = appvol02.mydomain.local
  • DNS= appvol02.mydomain.local
  • DNS= appvolbalance.mydomain.local


So if anybody is pointing to the appvol01 it will load and if anybody points to the load balance URL it will point to any of the servers.

Is that config  corrcet on the servers side??


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  • Solution

I think you need only one certificate with these properties:


  • CN = appvolbalance.mydomain.local
  • DNS= appvol01.mydomain.local
  • DNS= appvolbalance.mydomain.local
  • DNS= appvol02.mydomain.local


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1 hour ago, vmguru said:

I think you need only one certificate with these properties:


  • CN = appvolbalance.mydomain.local
  • DNS= appvol01.mydomain.local
  • DNS= appvolbalance.mydomain.local
  • DNS= appvol02.mydomain.local


We have something like this. So one certificate for both/multiple servers.

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Senior Engineer (SDDC, EUC, DBA, Applications) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL)

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  • D81 changed the title to [SOLVED] APP VOL certificates with load balancer
3 hours ago, D81 said:

OK we will thest it that way!

By the way, the order of the DNS is relevant?

EDIT: it works!!! thanks!!

Good that is works.

Not sure if the order is relevant, but we tend to use the LB adderss as the main (CN) and the LB and server adresses as alternate (DNS)

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Senior Engineer (SDDC, EUC, DBA, Applications) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL)

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8 minutes ago, Robin Harmsen said:

Good that is works.

Not sure if the order is relevant, but we tend to use the LB adderss as the main (CN) and the LB and server adresses as alternate (DNS)

OK thanks! I assume the connection servers should be configured in that way too

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