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Is there a possibility to force a directory sync using a API call? I'm trying to further automate the onboarding process. 

After the creation of an active directory user, force the synchronization to workspace one access so the information is there to send out the magic link.

The synchronization is set-up using the Omnissa Access Connector and we don't want to wait an hour for the sync to complete.

  • Solution

I tested in my environment and it's possible to run directory sync using the API with following parameters:
 -Request URL: https://[YOUR TENANT]/SAAS/jersey/manager/api/connectormanagement/directoryconfigurations/[Directory GUID]/sync/v2
 -HTTP Method: POST
 -Request Headers:
   -Content-Type: application/vnd.vmware.horizon.manager.connector.management.directory.sync.trigger.v2+json
   -Accept: application/vnd.vmware.horizon.manager.connector.management.directory.sync.trigger.v2+json
 -Body: {"ignoreSafeguards":false}

And you can obtain the directory GUID that you need when running the directory sync API by accessing the directory settings page for your target directory.

  • Insightful 5

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