Did you know you can also use Windows Hello as FIDO2 Security key?So, to put it in context, you can use Biometrics or PIN as identifier and login to Workspace One Access without sending credentials!Read about it in my latest blog!
HELLO Workspace One Access: Using Windows HelloID as FIDO2 security key!https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7196130444222910465?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
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Did you know you can also use Windows Hello as FIDO2 Security key?So, to put it in context, you can use Biometrics or PIN as identifier and login to Workspace One Access without sending credentials!Read about it in my latest blog!https://t.co/TdqlnwTp0g
HELLO Workspace One Access: Using Windows HelloID as FIDO2 security key!
More and more authentication methods are available to Workspace One Access and one of them is FIDO2. I’ve seen multiple use cases with the well-known Yubico Security Keys.But did you know you can also use Windows Hello as Security key? So, to put it in context, you can use Biometrics or PIN as identifier and login to Workspace One Access without sending credentials! Rock On!How does FIDO2 work?FIDO2 is like having a digital key that unlocks your online accounts instead of typing passwords. Here
May 14th