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  1. it sounds like something in OSOT killed Files-on-Demand. have you checked if FilesOnDemandEnabled exists in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\OneDrive and is set to 1?
  2. if I got it right, they want you to restart hostd and vpxa /etc/init.d/hostd restart /etc/init.d/vpxa restart this will cause the host management "freeze" for a couple of minutes indeed. the VMs will keep running, but if Horizon will issue any management command in that timeframe it might fail, like for example reverting a VM in the IC desktop pool. you'll have to resolve the errors if they will not be automagically solved.
  3. have you checked this article already? Enable the AppVolumes option 'ProcessDriverStore' to solve issues with device drivers (broadcom.com) this key need to be added to the golden image, if I'm not mistaking
  4. this sounds like user provisioning in UEM ... how have you configured user provisioning - ACC, just-in-time from Access etc?
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