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About Julien GOINDIN

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    Workspace ONE
    Digital Employee Experience (DEX)

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  1. BIOS Password is supposed to be removed when device is: Deleted Device Wiped Enterprise Wiped Enterprise Reset The BIOS Password is present on the UEM console. So when you delete the device entry, you delete the BIOS password from console. If i recall correctly, on Dell devices, the Dell command monitor allow you to get the bios password via powershell for example, you could store it in a sensor and escrow the sensor using API.
  2. Indeed, we have a dedicated KB for this: https://kb.omnissa.com/s/article/88942 You should consider the "Device Update" signet for Windows devices deprecated. Since 2022, we are pushing for Auto Update or WSUS. Our Kb state this: From Microsoft point of view, you should use automatic approval of every Tuesday patch using their CSP. If you still desire to manage Windows Update manually, the only solution is to use a WSUS server.
  3. @Rondelltron, The Windows Update approval is deprecated by Microsoft: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-it-pro-blog/why-you-shouldn-t-set-these-25-windows-policies/ba-p/3066178 I strongly advise to remove all Windows Update KB assignment on your UEM Console. You have two solution to manage Windows Update on your fleet: Let the control to Microsoft and apply all Cumulative update on a regular basis (Tuesday patch) Point directly on a WSUS server and approve KB from there only
  4. Hello, We recommend indeed to use the latest Windows Update profiles since MS made some modifications: https://kb.omnissa.com/s/article/91032?lang=en_US You could also use the Beta profiles to generate CSP code and push it as Custom Profile: Anyway, you can use these path to check the applied configuration on your devices: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PolicyManager\current\device" "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\PolicyManager\providers\{EnrollmentGUID}\default\Device" For more informations check the Windows 10 cheat sheet: https://techzone.omnissa.com/api/checkuseraccess?referer=/sites/default/files/associated-content/2110_Windows_Troubleshooting_Cheat_Sheet.pdf
  5. Hello 👋 nice to have our own community website!
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