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Wouter Kursten

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    Horizon 8

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  1. SInce I am a ControlUp employee I will leave it to others to mention our name any more but if you have any questions please let me know 🙂
  2. ic can't be restarted keeping the session so it simply doesn't make sense. It's better to just recreate than to reboot imho
  3. setup something automated that creates a report for you like the vcheck (still need to convert it to rest api though)
  4. viewdbchk is linked clones not instant afaik it isn't but I never used it for instant clones, usually diving into the adam database directly is faster
  5. if it's an Instant clone and you are 100% sure there is no vm anymore i would simply remove it from the adam database check this blog post https://www.itninja.com/blog/view/how-to-delete-a-stuck-vdi-pool-vm
  6. you can link it to your ad so ad groups will be used.
  7. could be a permissions thing but I have no idea how or what. Maybe try with an unoptimized desktop to see if it makes a difference (did you also switch windows version? No idea if it even works on win11)
  8. since you went from 7 > 8 is this the old fling or the build-in logon monitor?
  9. I have decided to make the python baseed version available again even though I know about a couple of bugs that are mainly around the scheduling bits if I remember correctly Blog post: https://www.retouw.nl/2023/11/06/new-horizon-golden-image-deployment-tool-released/ Sourcecode: https://github.com/Magneet/hgidt_python/tree/main (and also for bug reports) DOwnload: https://github.com/Magneet/hgidt_python/blob/main/Release/Horizon Golden Image Deployment Tool v2.zip
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