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Niels Geursen

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  1. We have seen the same issue. In OSOT we deselected the option under SYSTEM\Profile\ Shorten Timeout of Desktop session switch. Taskbar is now very fast, however the delay we had on the taskbar is now moved to Preparing Windows. So problem is not solved but is moved earlier in the logon process.
  2. @amr In the global setting there is a setting called Forcibly Disconnect Users. By default this is set to 10hr. Maybe this could cause the issue. We have seen that even that the user is active the session is disconnected after 10hr.
  3. Sorry for the late reply. The environment only consists of instant clone VDIs. Disabling the pool is not an option because reconnecting to a disconnected VDI is not possible as already mentioned. Disabling pool provisioning is the best option because you will always have a minimum number of VDIs (2) left in each pool. We currently have 7 pools, so 7 VDI will always be available. So, ideally, I would like to put on POD in maintenance on the highest level and disable the pool for new connections, but reconnection to a disconnected session should be possible.
  4. I have a customer who wants to do network maintenance in one of the data centres let's call DC1. How can we ensure that all new users are redirected to DC2 and that users with an existing session in DC1 can reconnect to DC1? Goal: Drain 1 pod in the data centre without user impact. Customer environment: 2 datacenters 2 pods ( 1 pod per dc) 6 connections servers per pod (2 CS are dedicated for SAML authentication with WS1 Access) 4 UAGs only for outside connections
  5. I have seen the same issue. Our case was that UDP was blocked on the external facing firewall. - are your servers behind a load balancer? - Are all network ports opened in the firewall? Double-check if the UDP port 8443 is not blocked by the firewall.
  6. @Milan KTG I didn't get the error anymore after my last post. Is this the same for you?
  7. @Milan KTG Mine broke as well this morning. 😞 I ended up excluding the IndexedDB from saving by excluding it like below. [ExcludeFolderTrees] <LocalAppData>\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\EBWebView\WV2Profile_tfw\indexedDB Still testing the outcome.
  8. @Milan KTG I had the same issue and fixed this bij removing the following: [ExcludeFolderTrees] <LocalAppData>\Packages\MSTeams_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Microsoft\MSTeams\EBWebView\WV2Profile_tfw\GPUCache DEM will now start saving this location as well. I tried with multiple logins and Teams keeps working.
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