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Hao Xu

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  1. The following error message is displayed on the Tunnel client when you attempt to use the Android Mobile SSO. I use is VMware Access Saas platform, node is Asia, so in the Tunnel configuration cert proxy address is certproxy vmwareidentity. Asia I know for sure that my network will be able to access the website. Proxy: HTTP Tunnel received invalid response for certproxy.vmwareidentity.asia by com.airwatch.browser
  2. 您是否仍可以使用此站点来创建 Windows CSP 策略,或者您是否已切换到其他站点?
  3. Thanks Sascha The customer needs to install Zabbix in the Access local version server to monitor the server health. If I cannot set up firewall rules in the server, Zabbix may not be able to monitor the server health correctly.
  4. My user used the single sign-on extension of Apple Kerberos to synchronize the AD password to the local password. However, once the user forgot the local password and AD password of his computer, which caused him to fail to log in to the system. When I logged in with the hidden administrator created by DEP, I could not change the password of the user's local account. The device is not logged in to the Apple ID, is there any other way to help the user reset the password?
  5. I was on a local access server and wanted to set the 8443 admin page to be accessible only to administrator devices, but when I set it up using the iptables command I found that the firewall rules were reset to the default state. Does anyone else have the same problem as me? How should I set up local firewall rules?
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