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  1. DEM has some commandline support you can use for migration. You can run an export without having to log out. It is a great feature, we use the command-line import to import users local chrome profile to their citrix-session. Something IWC was lacking.
  2. I was through the same thing, moving users from IWC to DEM. I had the same experience until i was looking through the logs and found out that DEM import/export doesn't happen if an application has 'predefined/forced settings'. This might be what you are seeing.
  3. I would not recommend manipulating existing printers. Using a mandatory profile and preparing the the registry, before the shell loads has never caused issues for us.
  4. Mapping printers through Windows' default functionality can be a horrid experience. I don't really think the problem lies with Windows itself, but more with the manufacturers drivers. Having the drivers pre-installed in our golden image and simply using powershell to create the corrosponding registry-settings (in hkcu\printers and hkcu\microsoft\winNT\currrent\etc.) for each user at logon, made our 100+ printers connect in under a second, instead of the 30 to 180+ seconds when using add-printer, vmDEM's printermapping or group policies.
  5. Instead of roaming the whole /default folder (with a few exclusions), which can become quite large - only including these items does exactly the same and only takes up er few kb's. [IncludeFiles] <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Bookmarks <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cookies <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Favicons <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Google Profile Picture.png <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Google Profile.ico <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\History <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Login Data <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Visited <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Links <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Web Data <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Shortcuts <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\First Run <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Local State <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Visited Links The above is used in our VDI env, in conjunction with the roaming.pb file.
  6. Can the loginscripts defined in vmw DEM be run visible to the user?
  7. We are quite keen to move some of our mobile workforce to ARM64, like many others i guess. DEM doesn't work on ARM64, it either does nothing or sends the machine into a bootloop - will there be a DEM version for ARM in the near future?
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