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Chris Gleeson

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  1. Thank you, I received an email two weeks ago from a sales person saying that they were starting work on the renewal and it's been radio silence since. I am not going to mark the update as a solution as it's not yet been solved, merely another two week delay in getting a quote. <shrug> different day, same story.
  2. Hello, I should save this post as a template so I don't have to keep typing it out.. I have been trying to get a renewal quote for months now from Omnissa. My partner vendor is listed on the Omnissa website, they are working with the reseller Carahsoft, and I am being told that Carahsoft are receiving no response from Omnissa. I have filled out the contact form several times without a response from Omnissa, my vendor and reseller are frustrated as well. I am going to repeat my oft-stated question: How can I get Omnissa to take my money for their products? Can someone provide a direct contact, or a way for me to reach the Omnissa sales team so I can persaude them to respond to my request for renewals through the appropriate channels? Thank you to anyone able to provide a concrete answer. Chris
  3. The Omnissa Horizon packaging and licensing whitepaper found here: https://static.omnissa.com/sites/default/files/omnissa-horizon-pricing-packaging-wp.pdf states: "Horizon and related products can be purchased through Omnissa distributors and partners, or through Omnissa directly." (my emphasis). However there is no reply from filling out the "Contact Us" page that is liberally linked to throughout the Omnissa website, the reseller I have used in the past is having no luck via Carasoft in getting quotes from Omnissa either. Support at Omnissa recommended emailing someone at Broadcom (uh.. why?) or the renewalquoting@omnissa.com whom I did email and got an autoreply saying "Thank you for reaching out to renewalquoting@omnissa.com. Please note that this inbox is not actively monitored. " Best luck I've had so far was a post I made on reddit where someone told me to DM them if I get no joy from Omnissa. I don't get it, Omnissa is not Broadcom but seem to be wanting to act like them really hard. Don't they want money from clients?
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