Note: The following only applies to Zebra Android 10+ devices.
Scoped Storage:
To give users more control over their files and to limit file clutter, apps that target Android 10 (API level 29) and higher are given scoped access into external storage, or scoped storage, by default. Such apps have access only to the app-specific directory on external storage, as well as specific types of media that the app has created. While apps can opt-out of scoped storage on Android 10, starting Android 11, apps must use Scoped Storage.
The Challenge:
Because of scoped storage, the traditional auto-import folders for DataWedge app are not accessible by Hub. Based on the DataWedge Manager - TechDocs, on Android 11+ devices, these locations fall under scoped storage restrictions:
Hence, Admin’s can not use UEM to transfer the datawedge.db configuration file to these traditional autoimport folder locations.
The Solution:
DataWedge supports remote deployment of Config files (datawedge.db) and Profiles (dwprofile_profilename.db) to devices through Workspace ONE UEM. On Android 11+ devices, one Zebra recommended alternate location (see: DataWedge Manager - TechDocs ) is the /data/tmp/public/ directory. If any .db configuration files are found in here, the Datawedge app auto imports the configuration file - provided that autoimport is enabled. Use Files-Actions for Products to push the datawedge.db:
However, an additional step here that needs to be completed is to enable autoimport using Zebra OEM Config.
Note: Ensure you follow best practices listed here for selecting the correct Zebra OEMConfig app based on OS version. Zebra OEMConfig Powered by MX - Apps on Google Play is supported on both Android 11 & Android 13+.
From the Zebra OEM Config app Assignments page in UEM,
1. Navigate to Application Configuration > enable Send Configuration.
2. Enable the following, under UI configuration > DataWedge Configuration:
3. Save and Assign to appropriate assignment groups. Refer to Omnissa's TechZone for steps to configure the Zebra OEMConfig.
Automatic importation of configuration settings can cause unwanted changes to device settings that result from pushing an unauthorized file to the device. Consider keeping autoimport Turned Off as a general rule, and after completion of auto import to prevent unauthorized changes to the DataWedge configuration.
OEMConfig app needs to be pushed AFTER the datawedge.db file is placed inside /data/tmp/public/.
DataWedge Auto-Import routine (once the autoimport settings are enabled using OEMCofig):
Import the new file(s),
Replace the existing Config file and like-named Profile(s) (if any),
Delete the imported files,
Put new settings immediately into effect.
Important information on configuring the datawedge app for autoimport and enterprise reset can be found here.