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  1. Hello, A desktop pool has been created with a Linux OS template. The Linux template uses PBIS to join the VM to the domain. A 'Customization Specification' profile was created in vCenter to automatically configure Horizon VMs with specific accounts and network settings. This setup works fine for Windows OS systems, but it’s not working for Linux VMs. When creating the desktop pool in VDI Horizon, I encounter the following error at the initial provisioning step: [10/26/2024, 5:24 PM] Error during Provisioning class com.vmware.vim25.CustomizationLinuxPrep cannot be cast to class com.vmware.vim25.CustomizationSysprep (com.vmware.vim25.CustomizationLinuxPrep and com.vmware.vim25.CustomizationSysprep are in unnamed module of loader java.net.URLClassLoader @65bb5e04) I confirmed that the guest OS 'Linux' is selected in the Customization Specification profile."Even though i've chosen the Guest os " linux" in Customization specification Profile .
  2. @Victor León Thank you so much bro , it has been RESOLVED . actually I Created another Vcenter user dedicated for VDI , and deleted to Attribute you mentioned . and replaced the value with the newly created vcenter user . I DO REALLY APPRECIATE it . Thank you so much .
  3. @Dominik It's the same VM template I used to create the VMs that are currently shown as 'available.' I only changed the IP addresses of all components. The strange thing is that when I change the password for the VDI user credential in vCenter (not in the VDI console), the VMs appear as 'available,' but the desktop pool doesn't work because I didn’t update the vCenter credentials with the new password in the VDI console. Pool= full dedicated
  4. @Dominik it shows the agent Version by the way .
  5. i think there might be somthing like vcenter credential cache ??? or something like that .
  6. @Sean Massey-1 Thank you for your reply. The pool appears to be corrupted, and I keep getting a warning stating that the agent is "unknown (missing)." There used to be a pool with about four VMs, and I was instructed to change the IP range. After changing the IP addresses for all components and reinstalling the agents, the agents have access to the connection server (CS). The VMs get created and join the domain, but they remain in the "unknown (missing)" state. I even tried creating a new pool, but it stops during the initial process and displays the error: "Couldn't find /path/to/the/vcenter/vms." However, when I use different vCenter credentials with the same privileges, the desktops are created without any issues.
  7. Hello , is it possible to remove vcenter Credential in vdi horizon ? as i try to delete the previous vcenter credential in vdi horizon , it pormpts me to delte desktop pools which are associated with this vcenter credential . while i have Created 2 vcenter credentials , and i want to delete the non usable one , and there's no option to edit the desktop pool to change or use the other vcenter credential.
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