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Daisuke Yajima

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  • Areas of Interest
    Horizon 8
    Horizon Cloud
    Workspace ONE
    App Volumes
    Dynamic Environment Manager
    Digital Employee Experience (DEX)

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  1. @Peter Mohr Thanks for your reply! I completely agree with your opinion.
  2. Hello, Due to changes made by Google, from July of this year onwards, it is recommended to use a Microsoft Entra account when configuring Android EMM with Microsoft Intune. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/enrollment/connect-intune-android-enterprise Though the Omnissa Workspace ONE documentation says to enter a Gmail account, has anyone successfully configured Android EMM with Omnissa Workspace ONE UEM using a Microsoft Entra account? https://docs.omnissa.com/bundle/android-device-management/page/AndroidRegistrationRegisterAndroidwithWorkspaceONE.html#register_with_a_managed_google_play_accounts_enterprise Regards
  3. @CarlosM Hello, Your problem looks like the symptom described in below KB. Unable to login to Horizon Admin Console. Error: "Page failed to load. Please refresh the browser to reload again" (94217) Hope this helps
  4. @Asma Alfayyad Hello, Device Traffic Rules and Authentication Certificates are sent to devices by publishing a VPN profile to devices. It seems that your device do not have VPN profiles. How about re-publishing VPN profile ? Hope this helps
  5. Hello, I could download UAG 24.06 from Horizon download page. https://customerconnect.omnissa.com/downloads/details?downloadGroup=HZN-2406-ENT&productId=1538&rPId=118771 Hope this helps.
  6. @Trutch Thank you for checking the status of the documentation! I understood that the comparision tabele has not been made public on the Omnissa website at this time. I will wait for the document publishment. Regards
  7. Hello, I'm looking for a comparison table of Workspace ONE editions. The comparison table I can find through an internet search is currently on the vmware.com domain website (here). Does anyone know if there is a comparison table of Workspace ONE editions published on the omnissa.com domain website or not? Regards
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