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Daisuke Yajima

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    Horizon 8
    Horizon Cloud
    Workspace ONE
    App Volumes
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  1. Hi, @Sascha Warno @Jo Harder, Thank you for your comment! I understood the document become obsolete and the new one is being under preparation. I will wait for the new document. Regards Daisuke
  2. Hi @Phillip Helmling. Thank you for your comment. I'm sorry that in my previous comment I included information that was not very relevant to my original question. Actually, my intended topic is not about the registry key that stores the uninstall string. My original question was to find the valid URL of the document "Deploying Traditional Win32 Applications to Windows Devices". As Ruhel pointed out, there is a useful manual on docs.omnissa.com. However, as far as I remember, there were some useful tips in "Deploying Traditional Win32 Applications to Windows Devices" that were not included in the manual (I mentioned the registry key for the uninstall string as an example of one of those useful tips). That's why I'm looking for "Deploying Traditional Win32 Applications to Windows Devices". Is that document already obsolete?
  3. Hi @Ruhul Azad, Thank you for your kind comment. I will check if the document you pointed out could be an alternative. In addition, I noticed an information in the document I was looking for that was not included in the document you pointed out, so I would like to share it with you. The information is about the following four registry paths that contain the Windows application uninstallation commands: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall Regards
  4. Hi, I'm finding document named "Deploying Traditional Win32 Applications to Windows Devices" on Omnissa Techzone. I found the link at the bottom of bellow article. https://techzone.omnissa.com/resource/windows-application-installation-behavior The link points below URL, but led me to the top page of Tech Zone web site(https://techzone.omnissa.com). https://techzone.omnissa.com/deploying-traditional-win32-applications-windows-devices-workspace-one-operational-tutorial Does anyone know current URL of "Deploying Traditional Win32 Applications to Windows Devices"? Regards Daisuke
  5. Hi @Ivan de Mes Thank you for your response. I would like to know how to enroll QNX devices to Workspace ONE UEM. As far as I seached on on myworkspaceone web site, agents are not available. So I searched documets on docs.omnissa.com, but I cannot find documentation about how to enroll QNX devices. So I confused if we can manage QNX devices by using Workspace ONE UEM or not. Does anyone know how to enroll QNX devices to Workspace ONE UEM? Regards
  6. QNX Agent SettingがWorkspace ONE UEMに設定項目として存在していますが、Myworkspace ONE上ではダウンロードができないように見受けられます。 ●Workspace ONE UEM上の画面 ●MyWorkspace ONE上のIntelligent Hubダウンロード画面 QNX Agentを現在入手する方法はありますでしょうか。また、現在QNXはWorkspace ONE UEMで管理可能なものでしょうか。 もし、現在もQNXで動くモバイルデバイスをWorkspace ONE UEMで管理しているという方がいらっしゃいましたら、どのようにQNXデバイスをWorkspace ONE UEMに加入しているのか、ご教示いただけますと幸いです。
  7. @Trutch Thank you for providing updated version of comparision table! I really appreciate your continuing help! @Dale Carter @Stefan Tacke @euc_guy Thank you very much for all of your comments !
  8. @Peter Mohr Thanks for your reply! I completely agree with your opinion.
  9. Hello, Due to changes made by Google, from July of this year onwards, it is recommended to use a Microsoft Entra account when configuring Android EMM with Microsoft Intune. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/intune/enrollment/connect-intune-android-enterprise Though the Omnissa Workspace ONE documentation says to enter a Gmail account, has anyone successfully configured Android EMM with Omnissa Workspace ONE UEM using a Microsoft Entra account? https://docs.omnissa.com/bundle/android-device-management/page/AndroidRegistrationRegisterAndroidwithWorkspaceONE.html#register_with_a_managed_google_play_accounts_enterprise Regards
  10. @CarlosM Hello, Your problem looks like the symptom described in below KB. Unable to login to Horizon Admin Console. Error: "Page failed to load. Please refresh the browser to reload again" (94217) Hope this helps
  11. @Asma Alfayyad Hello, Device Traffic Rules and Authentication Certificates are sent to devices by publishing a VPN profile to devices. It seems that your device do not have VPN profiles. How about re-publishing VPN profile ? Hope this helps
  12. Hello, I could download UAG 24.06 from Horizon download page. https://customerconnect.omnissa.com/downloads/details?downloadGroup=HZN-2406-ENT&productId=1538&rPId=118771 Hope this helps.
  13. @Trutch Thank you for checking the status of the documentation! I understood that the comparision tabele has not been made public on the Omnissa website at this time. I will wait for the document publishment. Regards
  14. Hello, I'm looking for a comparison table of Workspace ONE editions. The comparison table I can find through an internet search is currently on the vmware.com domain website (here). Does anyone know if there is a comparison table of Workspace ONE editions published on the omnissa.com domain website or not? Regards
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