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  1. Thanks Philipp, I'll have a look at disabling the session cookie, just need to see if my change of intervals of the scheduled jobs have an impact first.
  2. I've done some further troubleshooting, and see that clients marked as conflicted also appear to be online, and the other client is offline, and I think this is the problem we are seeing here. That Appvolume tries to mount the disks to a machine that is offline. When I look at the intervals for scheduled jobs, "Refresh Computers" says 2 hours and 11 minutes. "Refresh Machines" says 22 hours. It seems that I need to adjust these intervals. In the documentation: Refresh Computers Ensures that the state of each computer is online. Refresh Machines Ensures that each virtual machine exists. Removes the virtual machines if they no longer exist and are not in use. Hope that adjusting the times for scheduled jobs will contribute to more efficient cleaning of the database so we do not get too many entries that say "conflicted"
  3. Hi. I see from time to time that some of our users who logs on our Horizon 8 desktops, that the appstacks do not mount. I will say that we see a couple of users almost every day. Quick fix for this is to log off windows, and log on again. I'm troubleshooting this to firgure out why, so I can fix this issue/problem. We are running Horizon 8 non-presistent desktops with Appvolume version 2212. I checked the svservice client logs located in %programfiles(x86)%\CloudVolumes\Agent\Logs, and see that virtualization is disabled. [2024-09-02 05:20:56.137 UTC] [svservice:P2024:T7316] Message: "Error from Manager "appvoltarget.domain.com" (error code 400): Unable to login because Computer "Computer <domain/Computername$>" is offline, last seen online at "2024-08-29 21:24:20 UTC" Virtualization is disabled." (hToken 0000000000000790) From my appvolume instance i see that i have two entries: Where one of them are "marked" as conflicted, and i just assume that this is the issue I've to deal with. But after a futher look into the appvolume target - \directory\computers i can see that I have several desktops with the same "Conflicted" marking... Its seems to me that i have a bit of a cleanup job to do, but not sure what to do to get rid of these conflicted clients. Any suggestions..? I also need to have a new look into my configurations, I can see that i have tons of these messages in my "System messages": LDAP bind failedon "dc.domain.com ", error "49": 8009030C: LdapErr: DSID-0C0905E4, comment: AcceptSecurityContext error, data 52e, v3839 I have tried to remove and add the server in the App Volumes Manager Servers, updated the Machine managers with correct user/pass, so it seems to be working, but still i get these messages. My AD Domain registration looks like this: Hope some wise heads here can point me in the right direction. Thanks
  4. Hi. I'm struggelig with users where DEM do not remember their Default App Choice. Most users in our environment want to use Chrome as default browser, some wants to use Firefox and rest is happy with Edge. And users who change their default broser to Chrome or Firefox, will have Edge on their next logon. Chrome and Firefox are installed on an Appstack. I have created a new Config file - "Use a Windows common setting" - "Default Application - FTA and Protocols" which comes with these settings: # # Expanded settings for Windows Common Setting 'Default applications': # [SpecialSettings] DefaultApplications [IncludeRegistryTrees] HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\[SKIPLOGGING] HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ApplicationAssociationToasts\[SKIPLOGGING] HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\[SKIPLOGGING] HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\Associations\[SKIPLOGGING] [ExcludeRegistryTrees] HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Local Settings\[SKIPLOGGING] HKCU\SOFTWARE\Classes\Software\[SKIPLOGGING] But this do not work as expected. Is it because I use AppStacks for other browsers than Edge, and when Windows is loading, it cant find Chrome(because appvolumes are not mounted yet) and then it resets the default browser to Edge?
  5. I have the same issue. Created a support ticket... waiting..
  6. Hi. Has anyone here a pretty neat installation guide for Adobe Reader for App Volumes 4? I know there are several guides out there, with registry settings etc from here to the eternity. I have tried some of them, but still I'm struggling with an installation that works perfect for end users.
  7. Hi John. Thanks for the DEM Config file. Works pretty good. But, I have tested some of the general settings in teams, and as far as I can see, is that if the setting "Auto-start application" is checked, Teams will start and pop up during logon. And teams will also run from systray. I know that some of my users sees that a time consuming startup... If it is unchecked, teams will not start at all, and not even in the systray. Is there a way, to start Teams in the background, so teams do not pop up during logon, but only appear as logged-in in the systray? I tried the "open application in background", but I can't see that works as I first assumed
  8. Thanks @Ofir Dalal, i have tested this ,and it seems to be running smooth again after i modified the priority list.
  9. Hi. I'm testing a new Windows 10 22H2 image from my MDT to Horizon 8. I have upgraded FSLogix and the New Teams within the Master image. The installation process are ok, and deploy to my test pool in Horizon works. When i log on with my user, and an appstack is deployed - with Google Chrome, Chrome do not work at all. Other applications in the same appstack works. I created a new Capture Client, a clone from the master image mentioned above, where the new Teams and latest version (FSLogix_Apps_2.9.8884.27471) of FS Logix are installed. When i create a new clean package in AppVolume Master, and tries to install latest version of Chrome (127.0.6533.89), I do not get any error messages, but i can see that something is wrong. In my start menu i can see the Chrome icon is gone: When i run appwiz.cpl i can see that Chrome version is pretty old version... When i did a new capture with the same Capture Image, but downgraded FSLogix to an older version: 2.9.7979.62170 Chrome is installed as expected with no issues... Have you guys experienced something like this? Why do an FSLogix installation on a Master image break an AppVolume Capture? Best regards Lansti *********************** System: Horizon 2209 DEM 2209 AppVols 4, version 2212 Windows 10 22H2 FSLogix: 2.9.7979.62170 ***********************
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