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Pim Van De Vis

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About Pim Van De Vis

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    Workspace ONE
    Dynamic Environment Manager

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  1. They are here (for the moment): https://community.omnissa.com/forums/forum/258-dem-configuration-templates-migrated/
  2. The randomly generated folders seem to contain shared pictures from the chat. If you want to capture and maintain those, your suggestion should work. Please give it a try and report the result back. [IncludeFolderTrees] <AppData>\Zoom\data\[MATCHALL]\giphy
  3. fully agree, there was a lot of good content. I'll make sure to keep on top of this to see if we can restore that info.
  4. Zoom MSI full installer for system wide installation: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362163 Group Policy Options for the Windows desktop client and Zoom Rooms: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360039100051 [IncludeFolderTrees] <AppData>\Zoom\data [ExcludeFolderTrees] <AppData>\Zoom\data\Emojis <AppData>\Zoom\data\ConfAvatar <AppData>\Zoom\data\VirtualBkgnd_Video Zoom.zip
  5. sharing the config file for Google Chrome Based on Google Chrome browser for enterprise https://chromeenterprise.google/browser/download/ [IncludeRegistryTrees] HKCU\Software\Google [IncludeFiles] <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\First Run <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Local State <AppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\profile.pb [IncludeFolderTrees] <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default [ExcludeFolderTrees] <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Code Cache <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\GPUCache <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\IndexedDB <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Service Worker\CacheStorage <LocalAppData>\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Service Worker\ScriptCache Google Chrome.zip Google Chrome.ico
  6. Great article. Is this already published? I can think of some other things you can do with DEM to enhance security and work towards a zero trust model. Do you want me to contribute?
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