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Venti Petrov

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  1. DFMIT, Try this. I open SR with support and this solution helped in my case. Summary: AppVolume issue with Xerox v4 drivers Resolution: Created reverse_replicate_files on snapvol.cfg [Path: c:\Program (x86)\CloudVolumes\Agent\Config\Custom\snapvol.cfg] on the base image. Issue resolved. reverse_replicate_file=*\DevmodeMap.xml reverse_replicate_file=*\Constraints.js reverse_replicate_file=*\Property.bag reverse_replicate_file=*\QueuePropertyMap.xml Hope that will help you.
  2. TobiasK, If you are using FSLogix you can achieve that by using Masking Rules. Here is the very good guide. FSLogix App Masking Rules for M365 Apps-SysManSquad | Systems Management Squad Hope that helps.
  3. Mikhail, The link is not working. I'm assuming that registry settings needed to be added \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\svservice\Parameters - DWORD value “ProcessDriverStore” and set it to 0 Dough I have the lasted AppVol Manager 2312 ( I tested under 2306 and 2312 Agent, but same behavior. I saw a error in the Event Viewer from svhook64 that is related to the AllowInstallerModification that is set to 0, but even changing that to 1 it didn't fix the issue. The only difference is I don't see that error in the Event Viewer. I hope that helps.
  4. I have exactly the same issue. I started removing AppStacks one by one, but as soon as I have any stack the problem happens. So it is not a particular appstack that I can find, looks like more when any attached appstack in general it breaks. Interesting that is happening only in Excel, but not in Word. Is there some kind general exclusion for these v4 drivers that require additional apps to be called to get the drivers? I have added XeroxPrintExperience.exe to HookInjectionWhitelist registry, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. There a few more Xerox executable in the program files\xerox\xeroxprintexperience folder, but not sure which one to exclude. any help is much appreciated.
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