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  1. Strange. It used to work. I'm not sure at what point it stopped working. Thanks for replying.
  2. @Graeme Gordon Graeme or anyone else have any ideas on this behavior?
  3. Good article and something definitely worth looking at implementing. Maybe I missed it, but what versions of Horizon supports this?
  4. I second the use of FSLogix. It made setting up instant clones for our O365 users much easier than using DEM. I'm using the full profile, not just the Office profiles. Just be aware you'll need to carve out a bit of storage for each user in advance and monitor that storage as it fills.
  5. @Graeme Gordon This has been going on for a while for me. I use the OSOT via MDT and the PowerShell script, createresetvm.ps1. It may have started when I last upgraded to version 1.3 of the OSOT/MDT, but I honestly hadn't given it much thought until today. Today I realized my script was out of date and you are now using a settings.ini file. So I went and updated everything on my end to use the new script and files, however even though the task sequence is specified in the VMList.csv file, when the image boots, it always prompts for a task sequence to use. It's NOT a major issue, but as I update 3 master images every month, it would be nice to trigger the script for the 3 images and just walk away. Am I missing something here?
  6. I had to do some deep searching in the KB articles. Sadly all the old links don't map with all the changes from VMware to Broadcom and Omnissa. I feel like a lot of great information from the communities has been lost forever.
  7. https://kb.omnissa.com/s/article/91256?lang=en_US I found the KB article. I was able to mark the package for deletion but it hasn't yet deleted. Will monitor.
  8. It does show 6 attachments on the package screen, but none on the attachments tab and all VMs have been maintained since the new package was set current so the 6 is clearly invalid. I vaguely remember this happening before and having to make a change in the DB but have not found the KB on how to update it. I'll dig some more. Thanks.
  9. I was cleaning up old packages that have not been in use for some time and I have one that has no attachments that I can find, where the delete option is grayed out. There is a newer package for the application that is set current and is 100% in use by end users. I know I ran into this once some time ago but cannot find a solution while searching. Looking for any suggestions folks may have to help with this. Currently on App Volumes 2209.
  10. Thanks for responding Graeme. We have been testing by attempting to connect just one host from the DR site during this process, but it times out every time. I'm not sure where we go from here.
  11. For some reason I wasn't being notified of replies, I'll have to check my settings. Thanks all for your suggestions. I should have provided more details. We don't have a storage device that supports NFS. I created an NFS share on a Windows server. It is mounted fine to our hosts in the production site. And the appvolumes data replicated to it from the production datastore. We've worked with our firewall provider to ensure everything is open and we can see the traffic across the SD WAN but it just times out. I am using NFS4. In doing some random testing I had created the same type of share in the DR site and managed to connect 6 of 7 hosts to that share, one timed out. Additional testing, I removed the datastore from one host then it couldn't connect again. Long story short it's probably something networking/firewall related but we're stumped.
  12. I have been following this article to rebuild our DR site for our VDI environment and I'm running into challenges with the App Volumes component. It's recommended to set up an NFS share that then can be mounted at both sites and the data replicated across the WAN. However we cannot get the NFS volume in our production site to mount at the DR site. I've had Broadcom support look at both the server side and network side and they offer no ideas as to why it will timeout and not connect. My network manager is working with our SD WAN vendor thinking it could be that which is causing the problem as they identified an issue with the appliance in our DR site, but it is slow going waiting on a fix. What I want to ask is if anyone knows of another way to replicate App Volumes data between the sites without using an NFS share. Thanks in advance.
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