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Stefano A

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  1. Thanks @Sascha Warno. Unfortunately all support channels don't seem to work. I sent an email hoping to get some feedback 🙂
  2. Hi Sascha, glad we were on the right path. Below the environment details and an example of the response. POST /API/mdm/devices/3602/commands?command=SyncDevice HTTP/1.1 Host: as2108.awmdm.com { "errorCode": 1000, "message": "Internal Server Error", "activityId": "1ef04788-ccd6-4e4a-a0f3-1b6b975c4555" } I am not sure how to get to the version. From the UI it says: Version: (2310) Build Information: BTA-ACRPA2O30-8a98bacc4c77e83ac94c2711e106b7e84ccc5f403
  3. Thanks @Sascha Warno. We cannot find any API named SyncDevice. We tried a few but none is actually reaching the device immediately. https://xx.awmdm.com/API/mdm/devices/3602/network https://xx.awmdm.com/API/mdm/devices?id=3602&searchby=DeviceId https://xx.awmdm.com/API/mdm/devices/3602 https://xx.awmdm.com/API/mdm/devices/3602/commands?command=DeviceQuery (this one returns a 500) Any suggestion on which endpoint we should be using?
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