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  1. I change the zoom to see the loading screen and the reload button in one screen. (Have 31.5" WQHD Screen).
  2. Maybe its possible to do an elevated Task - Logon Task to run Powershell a Script to add the needed "layoutmodification.xml" File in to Default User Hub before User Data is imported. Powershell command: "import-startlayout" (Elevated) "C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\LayoutModification.xml"
  3. try to open the AppVolumesManager Console from the VM you get the ERror Code from in a Browser. If that works, there is at least a connection and you can exclude that.
  4. When you use Command Line to start Finalizing your Master, you will also see, that OSOT Tool is disabling some part of App Volumes.
  5. Yes. I would be very curious to see that rule! Thanks.
  6. How do you deal with different combinations of Office Suite Products? If User needs Office + Project or Office + Visio and Project?
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