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Jubish Jose

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  1. Horizon : 8.12.0 build - 23148203 (Version 2312) UAG : 23.06.1
  2. All our users on Chromebook are seeing random error while connecting to the UAG/Connection Server ' Error parsing token' (screenshot attached). After several attempts, it will finally connect. Any ideas?
  3. Try joining the packaging machine to the same domain as that of the app volumes manager. I think it's a requirement.
  4. We actually tried ControlUp, but somehow did not like it altogether, so we did not proceed. I think ARIA monitoring (previously vROps) can also do it, but I haven't tested it much.
  5. I was looking for this feature as well, but I don't think there's anything built-in within Horizon Cloud. This is something very important which is missing in Next-Gen. Comparing with Horizon on-prem, Next-Gen lacks a lot of simple features like this.
  6. Hi Robin, When you say pairing, are you plugging in a bluetooth USB dongle for the headphones to the thin client and pairing with it? Or are you pairing it directly to the thin client's built in bluetooth receiver?
  7. We have VMware Horizon on-premises and VMware Cloud on Azure. We are using Dell Wyse clients to connect. After working with Dell and fixing several issues on their firmware, we managed to get bluetooth working. Though devices like headphones are not very reliable while pairing directly to the VM (it works fine if we use a USB dongle for the bluetooth device), some users still prefer to use it. We want to solve the below issues. 1. We need bluetooth to be available for all users 2. We need USB redirection to be enabled for selected users. The problem we see is that bluetooth will be available in the VM only if we enable USB redirection via DEM and Horizon Smart Policies. I played around with agent GPOs to see if we can achieve this without DEM, but could not find much. Is there a way to enable bluetooth for all and enable USB selectively?
  8. This could be because of the self signed certificate. Please check if this is helpful: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Horizon/2203/view-agent-direct-connection-plugin-administration/GUID-6A9B8274-D92C-4DA0-B0A6-5967E8EAADC4.html
  9. We are seeing something similar from quite a while, though the error code etc. are slightly different.
  10. I won't recommend running both classic Teams and new Teams on VDI together. We have it on one of our pools and it causes conflict sometimes. Is it not showing when you search for the app in the start menu? Does it show if you open start menu and scroll down?
  11. We just did this last week. We use on-prem as well as next-gen with FSLogix. For us, it worked fine for Windows 11 images. But for Windows 10, new Teams was unresponsive, so we had to use DEM to register it once. We had another set of users where we installed both classic and new Teams where the launch worked fine, but it introduced other issues.
  12. Lot of interesting discussions here, could be worth a read:
  13. We are using heavy graphics apps, so we upgraded from 4 vCPUs to 8 vCPUs. Again, 2 vCPUs could be good enough depending on the work load. but we were seeing the CPU spike to 100% just after the user login and it used to settle down eventually.
  14. We did a lot of testing and and now its stable. One of the issues that we faced was the CPU usage got vey high on the VMs when the users login. We opened a ticket with Microsoft etc., but we ended up doubling our VM CPUs (this was in plan already so it was not a tough decision). Re script, we run it as a post-sync script on the pools, but it can be done via GPO as well.
  15. Did you choose not to install the SVGA driver during Tools installation?
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