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Horizon Connection Server Certificate Install/Update

Daniel Keer

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If you've ever needed to install or update the main certificate on the Horizon Connection Server the task can feel a bit daunting at first and easy to forget a step so I created a blog post to help me remember how to do it. You may find this useful too. It also covers the steps needed to update the UAG thumbprint.

Here is the post https://thedxt.ca/2024/06/horizon-connection-server-certificate/

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vExpert | EUC Expert

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Great write up Daniel! It's important to understand the certificate mechanics in Horizon.

Also, since 2212 there is an alternative way to do certificate lifecycle management  -> Certificate Management section in the Horizon Console under Settings.

And with 2312 you can even do the Enrollment Service cert management required by True SSO. 

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5 hours ago, Roch Norwa said:

Great write up Daniel! It's important to understand the certificate mechanics in Horizon.

Also, since 2212 there is an alternative way to do certificate lifecycle management  -> Certificate Management section in the Horizon Console under Settings.

And with 2312 you can even do the Enrollment Service cert management required by True SSO. 


I tried to do the certificate in the UI on 2303 and when I did it seemed to still leave the original self signed cert with the name vdm and it just didn't work. I even rebooted the entire HCS vm. I don't know if that because I was using a wildcard cert or anything like that. I also had given myself the role of cert manager too. The only method that's consistently worked for me is changing the friendly name manually. 

vExpert | EUC Expert

Blog theDXT.ca

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