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Is there an MSI package for the Horizon installer?

David H.

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I have been to https://customerconnect.omnissa.com/downloads/info/slug/desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_horizon_clients/horizon_8  and I do not see an option for an MSI package. I assume this answers my question but since it is easier to do packages within Software Center if they are MSIs I should still ask if there is an MSI package available for the Horizon client installer. 

Thank you,


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Running the exe with /? gives a usage dialogue so run with /x to extract to a folder in %temp% which it will try to open in explorer.

Probably best to enable global msiexec logging (search voicewarmupx) and/or process auditing and install it via the exe to see how it calls the msi (eg does it pass any properties other than those listed in the help)





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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks, Guy but I had already explored that and, as GoShen also pointed out, nothing in the output tells me which of the many components are necessary, so I would presume all are, and in which order they need to be installed. The output pretty much just informs me of the need for a parent installer to wrap it all up which is why I was reaching out to see if there is an alternative MSI installer. Because I do not want to have to do manual installations on a few hundred computers when, ideally, I just want to put it in Software Center to make it available on demand for those users who need it.


And sorry for the delay but I just now got a notification that I had a reply to this.

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Hi David,

IIRC, the Horizon Client installer is an EXE wrapper around an MSI file.  That EXE wrapper ensures that prerequisites are installed correctly and that certain advanced features can be installed in the order they're needed.

The Horizon Client can be installed from the command line, and this is documented here: https://docs.omnissa.com/bundle/HorizonClient-WindowsGuideV2406/page/InstallHorizonClientFromtheCommandLine.html

Many customers have used this to package the Horizon Client in Config Manager, Workspace ONE, Intune and other software distribution services.  I have created Chocolatey packages for the Horizon Client in my home lab.

Sean Massey
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