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Will Dallender-Jones

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About Will Dallender-Jones

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  1. A common topic of discussion around wanting to move to Modern Management with Workspace ONE is how to deal with existing devices that are managed by an existing PCLM or UEM solution. Here are a couple of awesome helper tools to make the switch easy and low risk: Retrospective Drop Ship Provisioning - deploy a Drop Ship Provisioning Offline PPKG to a device and reset it in order for it to reboot, pickup the PPKG and perform an OOBE into UEM. Note this is also a great way of remotely resetting an existing WS1 device in order to repurpose it such as issuing it to a different user. More details here. Mover - Migration Tool for Windows - Tool for moving devices between different Workspace ONE instances, or from Intune over to Workspace ONE. This includes a neat UI to keep the user informed and doesn't involve a wipe and load process. Read more about it and grab the tool here and be sure to checkout the demo. And don't forget these onboarding resources for further information: Onboarding Guides in Techzone Windows Enrollment Options in Docs
  2. No matter what solution you are deploying, it is critical to keep your users informed of the change and how it benefits them so your solution is rapidly adopted. Be sure to use the adoption kits as a starting point to get your message out! https://adoptionwizard.techzone.omnissa.com/
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