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  1. amr's post in Microsoft Store Apps stop working in VDI after applying Microsoft Monthly Patch (KB5034763) was marked as the answer   
    Thanks for this post. I just made one this morning before I even saw this one, too funny. We found 100% success in deleting that registry key but are unaware of the impact of doing this, especially with Windows Defender going into production in the next few months.
    I have not tried the trace start/stop fix you outlined above but have seen other people have success with that on reddit, in particular on those links you posted.
  2. amr's post in Frequent "Logout requested by system" While Working was marked as the answer   
    We dug into this more with the user. It is happening on PC and Mac but only when he is at his work location in another state. When he is at his home base in a 2nd state, there is no issue.
    Likely seems issues are related to this other work location.
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