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  1. @StephenWagner7 Thank you for the response. We did try it but there are still some limitation with Cloud flare and the recommendation was to use spectrum due to the costing we have deviated from this. Currently we have enabled SSL inspection in our firewall as an interim solution.
  2. @ArifR We are currently using AVI and moving to Netscaler due to management decision. So just evaluating Cloud flare at the moment for WAF.
  3. @MeyMath May i know how did you proceed further with the issue?
  4. Hi Everyone, We've been working to enable WAF for Horizon's external traffic using Citrix Netscaler WAF, but so far, we've been unsuccessful. Despite ongoing collaboration with Citrix, we haven’t received a satisfactory resolution. The main issue is that Horizon client traffic is being blocked due to "transfer coding chunked." Management is considering trying Cloudflare WAF, but we've had issues in the past when DNS was proxied, causing Horizon to not function as expected. Has anyone successfully configured Cloudflare WAF for Horizon? Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated as we look for a solution.
  5. Hi @MeyMath Thank you for the reply. Our Current netscaler version is Release : NS14.1 25.56.nc
  6. Hi everyone, We're currently transitioning from NSX-ALB to Citrix Netscaler for our Horizon environment (Horizon 8 2111). While we've successfully migrated Connection Servers and App Volumes, we're encountering issues with UAGs and their associated WAF rules. When attempting to connect to UAGs via Horizon Client with WAF enabled on the Citrix Netscaler, we're experiencing a peculiar behavior: HTML access works fine. Horizon Client traffic is blocked. The client remains stuck in the "Connecting" state without prompting for credentials. We've verified the WAF logs and couldn't fine any block in the logs, and Citrix support hasn't been able to pinpoint the root cause yet. Has anyone else encountered similar issues when migrating from NSX-ALB to Citrix Netscaler for Horizon environments? Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated.
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