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  1. Just testing for migration from legacy app catalog to Intelligent Hub. We have many shared devices that are used in classrooms. These devices do not have any pin-locks or passcodes. Legacy app catalog does not require any passcode and users can install and uninstall apps as they please. However new Intelligent Hub app requires user to set passcode for Intelligent Hub. How can i disable this requirement? We do not need any pin-codes or passcodes on these shared devices.
  2. Eventually the problem went away on its own before i had opportunity to find where the bulk action queue was jamming. But i will look into that commands list if this reoccurs. A bit hit and miss if you have no clue what devices are causing this and you have thousands of devices to go command lists through one by one. Thank you for this information. Now i know more about how bulk actions work. Can this type of thing happen if we have multiple admins and one of them launches enormous bulk action set that takes ages to finish. Can that cause all other admins bulk actions show this kind of problem where actions just wont run because another admins bulk job is jamming the queue?
  3. Hei When i'm trying for example query devices in Workspace One UEM i get this notification that says. "Warning" "Your previous bulk actions requested are still being processed. This request will be executed once the previous actions are complete. Do you want to continue with the current request?" This has been going on for several days now. Where can i find what previous bulk action is running and possibly stuck? I have searched everywhere and i have absolutely no clue what bulk action is running or where can i cancel that possibly stuck bulk action. Workspace One UEM running in the cloud/SaaS, not on-premise.
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