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Levi Hayes

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  1. @Jeff Ulatoski, I am attempting to open a support ticket and still not seeing any entitlements so that I can submit tickets. I was assured that this was fixed and was handled and it's still an issue. I need a dedicated engineer who knows how to remediate this issue to fix ASAP. I have a production outage and cannot submit support tickets because this is STILL an on going issue and again, this does not give me much faith in Omnissa support. I need this escalated to the highest level immediately. As for the production outage, my gold image virtual machine cannot reach app volume manager. I have unistalled the app volumes agent, deleted the computer object from the computers.dbo and machines.dbo in the SQL database, and re-installed the app volumes agent and the issue still persists. Kind regards, Levi
  2. @D81 Okay, I have some time to post findings. In the documentation, it states that whether using a single virtual machine for the database and manager, or using separate virtual machines for the database and manager, to utilize the Windows Integrated Authentication. When selecting this option in the installation of App Volumes, it specifies that it will "automatically use this server's SYSTEM account" of the local machine where App Volumes is being installed. And this is the issue. A computer object and its SYSTEM account cannot be added to an SQL database and given permissions (at least not to my knowledge), and only user accounts can (whether it's an SA login that is created within the SQL database or an Active Directory Windows authenticated login). Therefore, App Volumes attempting to use the local machines SYSTEM account will fail every time unless there is a way to add another machine's SYSTEM account to the SQL database and give it permissions, which again, I have not found a way to do so and there is no documentation from Omnissa/VMware on how to do so either. The resolution is actually quite simple, it's just not anywhere in the documentation. If you plan to utilize two virtual machines and separate the database from the app volume manager, you need to login to the database virtual machine, open SQL Server Management Studio and connect to the database, right-click on the database and go to Properties, in the properties window, click on Security, and then change it from Windows Authentication Mode to SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode and then click OK. Ensure that your SA account is enabled for login by expanding Security > Logins on the left hand side, right-click the SA account and go to properties. In the Properties window, click Status and change login from Disabled to Enabled and click OK. You can create a secondary SA account with less permissions to the databases and only give what is necessary for App Volumes if you want to stay a little more secure on the database side of the implementation. Now, when you run the App Volume installer, and get to the section of choosing your remote database server, select the radio button for "Server authentication using the Login ID and password below" and supply the SA credentials. Uncheck the box for "Enable SQL Server certificate validation" and proceed with the rest of the installation to your desired settings and it should successfully install. @D81, I included screenshots as I'm personally a visual learner and know others would additionally benefit from screenshots. Please let me know if you run into any additional issues or if it is successful for you. I would like to know if my method works for others. @Jeff Ulatoski, would not mind syncing up with you and discussing further on this and the product overall as a whole. I have even thought about making an instructional YouTube video to specifically show this method for installation to better help administrators and engineers but would need some temporary licenses to be able to create the videos and show the process. Kind regards, Levi
  3. After talking with three level three support technicians who didn't feel comfortable or confident to stay in a zoom call longer than an hour and couldn't review the log files that they have collected, I have figured out the issue on my own, as well as a remediation path to move forward and proceed with installation. I do not have time currently to post my findings but will do my best to post them and the solution to proceed by end of the week. Kind regards, Levi
  4. @hatem Shahudh, I just attempted the following command: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope LocalMachine And then proceeded through the installer and still came out with the same error.
  5. Hi @hatem Shahudh I can confirm that I have already ran a gpupdate /force command, rebooted the machine, and still get the same errror. I am spinning up a new fresh virtual machine to see if there will be any differences. I was able to pull the logs and send them to support that are in the path that you specified. Additionally, I copied and pasted the specific errors from the logs and put them in quotes in my original post on this thread. Please see my original post to see the error messages which still have not changed. Kind regards, Levi
  6. Hi @hatem Shahudh I can confirm that my two virtual machines are in an OU that has inheritance disabled and no GPO's being applied and still receiving the generate self-signed certificate failure followed by the installation manager rolling back the installation. Kind regards, Levi
  7. Hi @Jeff Ulatoski, Thank you for your quick replies. I have had a member of the support team reach out to me via email and have updated them on the two issues as described here and have provided a link to this page for support to get up-to-speed as well. Thank you for sticking with this and to help investigate and look for a resolution, it is greatly appreciated. I can also provide the full log file to support if needed and have additionally requested a working troubleshooting session for tomorrow (Saturday) or first thing Monday morning if weekend support is not available. Kind regards, Levi
  8. Hi @Jeff Ulatoski, The account that I am using has local administrative privileges and additionally full control to the folder/file path that you have specified via Windows security permissions. I have additionally gone a further measure and ensured that the two virtual machines are in an OU on the domain controller that doesn't not have any GPOs being applied to the virtual machines and still getting the same error. As for opening a support case. I have attempted to contact Omnissa about not being able to open support cases due to my account not being assigned any product licenses and my colleague had contacted Omnissa support and was able to get a ticket open for the same issue but unfortunately it was closed prematurely with zero remediation. We still cannot open support cases as of this writing. Kind regards, Levi
  9. I keep getting errors that the AppVol manager virtual machine cannot generate a self-signed certificate to connect to the database which resides on a different virtual machine. Upon investigating the generate_cert.log file, it states, "Failed to execute command. exit_code: 2, Error: The system cannot find the file specified". But there is no file to specify when I want the AppVol Manager to generate a self-signed certificate. Additionally, the log file states, "Errno: :EACCES: Permission denied @ rb_sysopen - C:/Program Files (x86)/CloudVolumes/Manager/config/CVPowershell.key (Errno: :EACCES)". Lastly, I have yet to see any official YouTube videos or documentation from Omnissa on this which is a HUGE failure on their end and is only going to push customers to other solutions such as Azure cloud PC's or AWS Workspaces (especially considering the much more intuitive and ease of use methods that Azure and AWS provide). If anyone can help, it would be greatly appreciated because Omnissa has been non-existent so far and about ready to drop Omnissa and go with a different solution altogether. Kind Regards, Levi
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