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  1. @Victor León@Dominik @GoShen @CurtisB it worked, I removed certificate from the store, and imported certificate manually, only this time I Selected "Make this certificate exportable" , So for me solution is combination of @Victor León and @Dominik answers 🙂 ... Thanks again for your quick responses
  2. Thank you all for responces, @Victor León Yes I tried that but no luck, The console it self does not work. i had to revert back to original settings. @Dominik @GoShen I imported the PFX certificate, which required a password to be entered. I've the private key for this certificate. do I need to import this certificate on another server, export it with private key, and then import it to the Horizon connection server ? @CurtisB this looks interesting , I'll take a look and update here. Thanks again
  3. i'm not able to import wild card certificate, after providing the certificate path ( local drive) and password , it takes long tome and the one error appears on top of page . i tried restarting the horizon connection service, even rebooting server , but no change . I'm using Horizon connection server 2406
  4. Thank you Carl. Much Appretiated.
  5. I'm looking for GPO admx files download. But it's not listed under "All Downloads" as mentioned in the doc. https://docs.omnissa.com/bundle/Horizon8InstallUpgrade/page/UsingHorizon8GroupPolicyAdministrativeTemplateFiles.html can anyone guide me from where I can download the GPO Bundle? Thanks Bmodak
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