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  1. Great Post and I am looking forward to trying this out. I would think I can use this method to troubleshoot problems that the agent may have in its log files as well.
  2. Hi Rob, I have noticed that when i perform a push of the golden image to the pool for updating, it treats that new image as a "secondary image" until it refreshes all of the VM's in the pool then it becomes the parent. That sound right?
  3. That particular server may have desynced. Have we attempted a reboot of that problem server? I would also check the services and check event log to see if they have been stopping from the Windows Event Viewer.
  4. Does Omnissa support the Skyline Health tool or is that a Broadcom support? Thank you
  5. Hi All, I was trying to read this article but the words are cut off. I have to keep zooming out to get more lettering. Seems to be a format issue on the site. I tried Edge and Chrome on different computers but the issue remains. Is there some kind of trick to this? 🙂 Also, The URL links that I would like to look at are not working. Thank you Unified Access Gateway(UAG): Common Networking Errors contained in Blast Secure Gateway Logs (91419) (omnissa.com)
  6. Hi All, So in the Horizon Console, under the Global Settings, the SSO Settings was disabled. All I did is enable that and then when I open the Horizon Client, click to connect, enter the credentials, I am then presented with the VM. I click the VM and it logs me in directly to the desktop. Thanks for your help!
  7. Robyan, Do you mean that the "issued to" name on the CA signed cert should be named view.url.com instead of named *.domain.com that is imported into the CS severs and UAGs?
  8. Very Awesome! I got to see if I can get this Event Notifier working!
  9. Stephen, Shows how much i don't know lol This weekend i'll make a video small video and post on here for review. I'll also post screen shots of the Console. Is there a particular spot in the console you guys would like to see? Thank You
  10. Stephen, Yes, that is the current flow.
  11. Robin, This is a lab so I have not setup True SSO yet. Stephen, I do not recall enabling SSO. To your point and Robin's this could be what i am missing. Hussam, I have not tried this yet or looked at the times. Gerard ,, I have shutdown the lab (vcenter all together). One point I would like to make is this is a lab and not only that, this is not a situation where it use to work then stopped working. So I think I will review the SSO as mentioned and try it after I make that adjustment. Thank you all for your posts. I'll post back with some results after looking at True SSO.
  12. BModak, I was told that after the certs are renewed like that, its recommended to go into the Horizon Universal Console and enter the credentials again to update it. I cannot find documentation on this yet so I have not done it myself. Still looking myself.
  13. Hi Stephen, The lab is Windows 10 22H2 Pro for instant clones, Horizon 8 2306 (VMUG Sub), one CS, no UAG, no MFA, no SAML, but i do have the events going to an SQL server. Using Vsphere/VCenter 7. (VMUG) and ESXI 8 (VMUG). Thank You
  14. The prereqs may have to be installed in a cerain order: vcredist then windowsdesktop runtime then etc. or The Horizon MSI does all the work for you?
  15. I wonder if there an upcoming new ADMX file or reg key to disable?
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