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David H.

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  1. Thanks, Guy but I had already explored that and, as GoShen also pointed out, nothing in the output tells me which of the many components are necessary, so I would presume all are, and in which order they need to be installed. The output pretty much just informs me of the need for a parent installer to wrap it all up which is why I was reaching out to see if there is an alternative MSI installer. Because I do not want to have to do manual installations on a few hundred computers when, ideally, I just want to put it in Software Center to make it available on demand for those users who need it. And sorry for the delay but I just now got a notification that I had a reply to this.
  2. I have been to https://customerconnect.omnissa.com/downloads/info/slug/desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_horizon_clients/horizon_8 and I do not see an option for an MSI package. I assume this answers my question but since it is easier to do packages within Software Center if they are MSIs I should still ask if there is an MSI package available for the Horizon client installer. Thank you, -David
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