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Hussam Rabaya

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  1. Yes @Gerard Strouthyou mean this tool " Horizon Event Notifier " which is now in techzone https://techzone.omnissa.com/sites/default/files/associated-content/Horizon_Event_Notifier_1.zip it collects and sends the alerts via email (SMTP) to users that are specified during the configuration process. It allows aggregation of alerts across multiple Horizon View Pods and for near real-time alerting of Horizon 8 a
  2. Hi @GoShen - do you have any time difference between Desktops \CS\AD? -try to dis join and rejoin master image to AD
  3. To ensure a smooth upgrade and a stable service startup, downtime is necessary when upgrading Workspace ONE Access (On-Premises). It is recommended to schedule the upgrade during periods of low user activity. If you have a disaster recovery site, you may consider utilizing it as part of your upgrade strategy. Please note that users connected to Horizon will not be disconnected until they choose to log out of their sessions.
  4. you have multiple issues as i can see from the screen shots you need to check all tunnel settings : 1- you have right tunnel type (per-app, full device ) 2- create DTR profile (by default you have 1 profiles named "default ") 3- add the right DTR roles (be sure you are destinations in IPs or host names ) 4- the profile configuration (be sure you map it to DTR profile ).....as explained in #2 also from network prescriptive and as load balancer you need to use "pass-through" in tunnel load balancers (relay and endpoint)
  5. you can t grantee all windows servers will work after in place upgrade in such cases , if you have high- availability servers (e. g. more than 1 console server ) , its safe to do : -take backup -remove one one of the nodes from load balancer - re-build it with new OS -do UEM installation and patching with same old version (e.g console , DS, ENS. ACC,.....) - return it back to load balancer -repeat to the remaining
  6. it is recommended to run WAF in learning mode, test all functions and lock it down, WAF is vendor-specific technology, please consult the WAF vendor for configuration in all cases,
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