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Michael Modro

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  1. Thanks for your feedback. A reboot helps. After a reboot the problem connection server runs normaly again. If the failure appears all services are running and nothing is logged in the event log. But if there would be a logged event, the NSX advanced load balancer cannot triggered for that. The favicon check is then still healty. we need a better check over REST API as the favicon check, to switch over the new sessions to a running connection server without failure. I am wondering that not more admins have the same problem. If the health check don't work better the users get no connection, because of the NSX advanced load balancer didn't knwo this and not switched to other servers in the server pool.
  2. Thanks for your feedbacks. Joe, yes, that's right. But we don't know (and don't want it to know) what the customer do in his session. The Users in the AD Group need to get the rights for a late signoff after 2 days. The other default users should be signed off after 2 hours. Customer whish. Now the pool has the Log-Off After Disconnect policy for 2880 Minutes for all. And this is a problem because of running out of free sessions. The customer works in shift. Our pools are defined by performance clases. The users with the late signoff needs to use VDs in different performance classes so that we would need to split all pools in late and early sign off. This is a overhead for only a couple of users. Yes, we use DEM in our Environment. But if I change the default Log-Off After Disconnect policy back to 120 Minutes, how can the DEM give the special AD-Group longer time? I thougt there must be another way. That the reason for my topic.
  3. We have the problem that the horizon Health check don't work well. We do the health check of horizon connection servers like discribed (favicon.ico) -> Understand and Troubleshoot Tunnel Connections | Omnissa In some temporary cases the favicon-check is ok but one of the connection server is not working. It looks like this from the other connection servers: On the not working connection server the check looks like this: But the favcion-Check is healty and so the user get no connection if the load balancer choose the not working connection server. Do you have another health check for the NSX Advanced load balancer which notice this (maybe a rest api call or somethink like that? kind regards Michael Modro
  4. Hi, at one of my customers, I have the problem that a selected group of users have to run large amounts of data or long import batch jobs on their virtual desktop (dynamic instant clones), so the sign-off has to take place 2 days after the disconnect. A separate pool for these users is not conceivable as the resources are fully utilized. I have set the Log Off After Disconnect for the pool to 2880 minutes. How can I ensure that I log out all other users who are not in the group in question after 2 hours instead of 2 days? What I have already tried: RDP GPOs are only taken into account for terminal servers and not for desktops. The registry key SOFTWARE\Policies\VMware, Inc.\VMware VDM\Agent\Configuration\VDIDisconnectTimeout which is set with Item-level targeting: Security Group in the user context works, but only after the first login, as the key is only set by policy then. If I load it into the computer context when starting the desktop, it applies to every user, which should only be replaced for a specific group. The idea of doing it with a Powershell script from the outside doesn't work either, because I don't get the user information with the Powershell function Get-HVMachineSummary (from VMware.HV.Helper .psm1) (actually this is intended). Who has an idea how to solve this? Best regards Michael Modro
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