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  1. Alright, on android 10 was able to use the profiles to grant accessibility services for the apps and avoid prompts for the end users. On android 13 I have yet to give launcher and hub permissions to access apps directory android/data/velocity/file. On the documentations it is said, corporate owned devices, Hub will have full permissions as default. What am I missing?
  2. Hello everyone, Having an issue when upgrading OS from 10 to 13 on TC52s. The applications will prompt the user for access to certain permissions and some apps won't launch with all of the services necessary to run. This are, velocity, Cortex XDR, and airwatch WEB app. For cortex I am able to run the app from a profile granting all the permissions but under accessibilities, the service is off and cannot figure out a way to give it access from a profile or intent. Cortex help desk told me this is not possible under android 13, although I had the same issue under android 10 as well. I am able to start the service from ADB shell with settings put secure enabled_accessibility_services "com.paloaltonetworks.trapsa/.feature.watchdog.AccessibilityMonitorService" No idea how to translate this to run intent. For Web app, I created a profile granting all permissions but still prompts the user for privacy knowledge and for access. This 2 apps are deployed from play store. Another one is Wavelink Velocity app. This application is delivered as an internal app. Can anyone olease provide some guidance or guides on how to allow permissions on the apps without prompting the users ? Thank you,
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