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Brent Nelson

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  1. Thank you for that clarification. I'll move on to setting up the load balancing now.
  2. I'm trying to setup two App Volumes Manager servers for load balancing and high availability. I setup the primary/source server to a new SQL database and it works fine. I then installed a second server and pointed that to the existing database and unchecked the 'Overwrite existing database' option. When first accessing the second/target server it prompted for the address of the source server. Both servers are listed in the Configuration/Managers tab and settings made on the source server are replicated over to the target server. However the target server does not show on the Infrastructure/Instances tab. The Related Instance section is empty. If I try to add the existing target server it gives an error that the related instance is already known. Is the Related Instance section just for App Volumes Manager servers that are installed on different sites? Since I only have the one site, should the servers listed in the Configuration/Managers tab be confirmation that the multi-instance configuration is setup and correct and I should move forward on setting up the load balancer settings? The guide here (https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-App-Volumes/2309/app-volumes-admin-guide/GUID-F270C7FF-1107-49BF-B2EB-BEBB32FBEC22.html) is not very clear and this one (https://techzone.omnissa.com/resource/app-volumes-configuration#install-and-configure-app-volumes-managers) indicates multiple sites when setting up multiple instances.
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