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Brad D.

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  1. This is actually affecting us solely with HUB direct enrollments as that is how we manage our fleets onboarding. We had two devices friday out of 15 that actually connected the way they were supposed to and the HUB would open with the app catalog ability. Is there an ETA on this fix?
  2. So I have found that if I continually keep wiping the device with configurator and trying to deploy, sometimes very infrequent the device will pass the "configuring device screen" and continue to the home screen. (You have to do it like 5-10 times) If I use the old legacy app store and remove authentication from the legacy store, the app catalog is accessible but very clunky, none of the app icons are displayed there all black boxes. But if you click install then close the app store completely, then open it back up and click install for the same app it will install. If I add authentication it fails. The HUB is still inaccessible opening it will just provide the local user account info no App catalog. None of the HUB access features. However existing devices that have not been reset have less issues.
  3. Hello, I have a ticket open as well I have not heard any response from Omnissa Technical Support on this issue is it on any ones radar at omnissa? This is affecting our deployment of 1800 devices. Thank you futureaw for your response. Have you heard from anyone on a fix or possible eta?
  4. Hello, Devices that are on the system before yesterday at 10:30am can still access the app catalog in the HUB app, however all devices setup new and/or logged into workspace one since then have no access to the HUB.
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