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Rick Terlep

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About Rick Terlep

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  1. @Rob Beekmans Posted a good curation of a bunch of resources for troubleshooting Blast Extreme on the Horizon 8 community. Since Blast Extreme is also the primary display protocol used by Horizon Cloud, most of the content is also applicable to Horizon Cloud. Enjoy!
  2. In case you were wondering where you could find out the current status of the Horizon Cloud Service, including planned maintenance, current issues and stuff like that - check out https://status.workspaceone.com/ Status & Updates for all of our Cloud based services can be found there! Rick
  3. Hey - If you were looking to find details on Horizon Cloud Service, please check out our product page on TechZone - https://techzone.omnissa.com/horizon-cloud-service. While its not an exhaustive list of all content relevant to Horizon Cloud Service, its a set of curated content around Evaluating, Designing, Deploying and some day-2 activities. Give it a look and if you have feedback, use the Feedback button in the upper-right hand corner of the page - Rick
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