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Andreano Guedes Rocha

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About Andreano Guedes Rocha

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    Horizon 8
    Horizon Cloud
    Workspace ONE
    App Volumes
    Dynamic Environment Manager
    Digital Employee Experience (DEX)

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  1. You need to find all the programs and not just the self-service.exe, certainly others apps are used by Citrix and needed to be added to the DTR.
  2. @MichaelZ did you create the device traffic rules adding the Chrome and Edge apps for the specific domains you want to connect via Workspace ONE Tunnel? In this case you want to connect through Tunnel Service on UAG, do you have all the ports and protocols open on your firewall to allow the Tunnel client to connect via UAG? This article explains the Tunnel communication flow and might help you https://techzone.omnissa.com/resource/understand-and-troubleshoot-tunnel-connections-load-balancing
  3. Hello Community Members, Workspace ONE UEM 2406 has just been released, marking a major milestone for Omnissa as we begin the rollout of the Workspace ONE UEM Modern SaaS Architecture. We have been sharing information about this for a while and are entering the phase of releasing powerful features and innovations across the OS platforms. Several articles and blogs have been published today by the Omnissa Technical Marketing team to help you learn more about what is coming as we roll out the 2406 release across our SaaS environments. More content will become available soon, until then check out what has been published: Security Posture of the UEM Modern Architecture Resource Delivery Optimization and Deployment Tracking Workspace ONE UEM Windows Multiuser Apple’s Declarative Device Management Availability in Workspace ONE UEM Workspace ONE Launcher Widget Feature The 2406 release may take a couple of months to reach all SaaS tenants, additional information on availability and the rollout schedule will be made available via public KB as rollout proceeds.
  4. @Zombie thanks for the feedback. We are working to update the templates with new logo on upcoming releases. In the meantime you can update the templates on your environment following this stepshttps://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Workspace-ONE-UEM/services/System_Settings_On_Prem/GUID-AWT-DEVICESUSERS-GENERAL-MESSTEMP.html Hope it helps!!!
  5. Não houve atualizações do nosso lado que justifique esse comportamento. Se os dispositivos estão efetuando o checkin no tempo determinado os perfiis serão atualizados.
  6. As atualizações serão aplicadas quando o device for capaz de se comunicar com os servidores UEM via internet. Se você olhar no console na página do respectivo device no tab troubleshooting/commands verá a list de comandos pendentes a serem processados. Se houver comandos pendentes é porque o device não fez checkin o que ocorre automaticamente a cada 4 horas por default, forçar o Sync é uma forma de acelerar isso.
  7. @Jonathan Quais payloads estão configurados neste perfil? Muito provável o perfil sofreu alteração uma nova versão foi adicionada, assim sendo o perfil fica marcado como desatualizado até que o mesmo seja atualizado no device. Se a alteração de perfil foi publicada é só aguardar a atualização nos devices (checkin), caso contrário você pode forçar a atualização ou republicar o profile.
  8. @TimoK the bulk action will generate the respective command for each device selected, you can start looking the devices' troubleshooting tab under commands - maybe you have several devices part of the bulk actions that are pending of check-in, the list of commands will show that. Check out and let us now.
  9. @weilandc be aware of the enhancements we recently made between UEM and Cisco ISE v3.1 - this solve the Mac address randomization which will require changes on UEM config and ISE to take effect. https://techzone.omnissa.com/resource/integrating-workspace-one-uem-and-cisco-ise-v31-and-beyond
  10. Hello everyone, Android Dual Support enrollment is now GA, enabling side-by-side protection for Personal and Work Profiles on Android devices with Mobile Threat Defense. The following blog brings all the technical details on this new feature https://techzone.omnissa.com/blog/introducing-omnissa-workspace-one-mobile-threat-defense-dual-enrollment
  11. Most likely there is LB config issue that is impacting the client and server, review your LB configuration as described here https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Avi-Load-Balancer/30.2/Solutions-Guide/GUID-53C08E69-E5EA-4921-AB74-0AAF048FACF7.html Ensure you are not doing ssl offloading on the LB. Finally , check this article that provide great details on how tunnel handle communication. https://techzone.omnissa.com/resource/understand-and-troubleshoot-tunnel-connections
  12. Check the following article on how to use PKCS12 certificate for secure authentication with UEM API https://techzone.omnissa.com/resource/configuring-workspace-one-uem-api-pkcs12-certificates
  13. @Jolly_IMU you need to check the UAG lote, more specifically the esmanager.log to get more details on the 404 error, that might is redirecting to another path. Change the logs to debug, reproduce the issue and download the log.
  14. @Robin Harmsen, The updated navigation has been made available in Shared SaaS UAT environments - CN135, CN137, CN138.. It will be rolled out in production in an upcoming UEM release.
  15. Microsoft recently released the Recall (preview) feature with Windows 11 and lots of feedback out there regarding the security and privacy issues, one of them the fact that the data Recall collects is actually unencrypted when a user is logged on to their device, which can expose personal data and for corporate devices confidential information. The following blog by @Kevin Ten Eyck, @Andreano Lanusse and Dean Flaming shows how to turn-off Recall on Windows devices with Workspace ONE UEM, in addition to demonstrate with other examples how information can be exposed with the recall feature. https://techzone.omnissa.com/blog/securing-your-windows-pcs-against-recall-workspace-one-uem
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