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Some users get error message appvolumes server cannot be contacted others don't

Hans Straat

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We already have a support ticket with Omnissa about this strange problem , this is a cry in the wild so to say.

Situation ESB 2312.

AD users around 150

Around 13 get the error message that appvolumes management server(s) cannot be contacted. 

If we run the ruby script provided by Omnissa support we get on the user the result back:
Checking user 'USERNAME@DOMAIN.nl' in host 'dc01.DOMAIN.nl' at 2024-08-12 09:09:03 UTC--------------------------------
Searching started at 2024-08-12 09:09:03 UTC for 15 seconds
Exception while searching user 'USERNAME@DOMAIN.nl' in host 'dc01.DOMAIN.nl': An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. @ io_fillbuf - fd:7

If we change the guid USERNAME to USERNAME1 all works like a charm. 
Did anybody out there has a simulair issue and what was / is the solution besides recreating the users. 

We do net get errors on the domain controllers and the appvolume logfiles say the same as the above ruby error message.

If someone has/had this issue then what was the sollution? Hopefully somebody can help me (us) out.

Edit: We received a privat fix that will probably implemented in other versions and that is succesfull. 


Edited by Hans Straat

Senior technical specialst at Leiden University Medical Center (lumc)

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Update: After receiving the changed directory.rp file appstacks load again on group assignment for the affected users. 
Thanks Cliff and team for the hard work! 

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Senior technical specialst at Leiden University Medical Center (lumc)

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