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[SOLVED] App Volumes Manager Settings "server error"

Go to solution Solved by D81,

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On a new installation of App volumes manager (v2406) over a Windows Server 2022, I am facing this problem:


So as you can see on the attached picture, when trying to access Configuration --> Settings  it appears to be some issue cause it does a timeout and then I get the error message: 

"Server error: Try reloading the page"

(Notice that the rest of the menus and tabs works fine)

I've tried to reboot the browser, try with a different browser and also reboot the server. Nothing fix the issue.

Please help, thanks!

EDIT: Im starting to get issues with other tabs too, now I get this when trying to connect to app vol manager. I think is something related with the SQL? 

EDIT: It was an SQL issue

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  • D81 changed the title to [SOLVED] App Volumes Manager Settings "server error"
  • Solution

I found the solution:

In our case the SQL database was implemented on a Failover Cluster with Always on Availability Group (there are two SQL servers). I performed a manual failover from SQLserver1 to SQLserver2, then I reboot the App Vol manager and I was able to log into the manager without issues.

I performed a new failover to SQLserver1 to test it and it still works fine so I assume maybe the loadbalancer didnt worked fine.

EDIT: as @Robin Harmsen mentioned, you should also have AG listener configured instead of the Failover Cluster name during the database configuration on the app volume manager

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Did you setup AppVolumes to use the Availability Group Listener or just one of the SQL Servers?
Did you setup the right within SQL on both servers to be the same? In an AG you will need to manually keep the users and right the same, unless you use a contained database.
Is the database joined to the AG?

Senior Engineer (SDDC, EUC, DBA, Applications) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL)

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1 hour ago, Robin Harmsen said:

Did you setup AppVolumes to use the Availability Group Listener or just one of the SQL Servers?
Did you setup the right within SQL on both servers to be the same? In an AG you will need to manually keep the users and right the same, unless you use a contained database.
Is the database joined to the AG?



First of all, thank for your help. I must say that this is the first time I configure an AG so probably I've done something wrong, anyway here you are the answers:

Did you setup AppVolumes to use the Availability Group Listener or just one of the SQL Servers? 

I have cofigured a Listener on the AG, however when I installed the App Vol and I configured the Database server parameters I didnt specify the "listenername", instead I specified the "Clustername". Should I have set the "listenername"?


Did you setup the right within SQL on both servers to be the same? In an AG you will need to manually keep the users and right the same, unless you use a contained database.

Yes, both servers have the same users and permisions (bytheway Im using the "sa" user)

Is the database joined to the AG? 

Yes and it is sync. 




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You will indeed need to use the Availabiliy Group Listeren (AGL) .. as that is the (virtual) endpoint to connect to the active server.. otherwise you might end up at the wrong server which does not have the database active.

I hope this is a test/lab environment? 
As you should never use the sa account for applications. the sa account (or other account with sysadmin rights) should only be used for specific administrator activities... you best create a septerate login whith the minimal SQL right required.

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Senior Engineer (SDDC, EUC, DBA, Applications) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL)

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Thanks again for the clarifications.

Yes, this is a test enviroment however it will be set to deployment enviroment after the test will end.

I have deleted the database as well as the AG and I will perform a new installation of the App Vol Manager to configure the Listener instead of the Cluster name as you mentioned.

However regarding the "sa", I was initialy planing to use a specific sql user for this however it didnt work. As it was exposed in this thread the only way to dont get the self-certificate error is by using the "sa" user and also not having any GPO applied during the manager deployment.


That said, this SQL cluster will be dedicately only for the App Vol enviroment, no other databases will be hosted there.

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50 minutes ago, Robin Harmsen said:

You will indeed need to use the Availabiliy Group Listeren (AGL) .. as that is the (virtual) endpoint to connect to the active server.. otherwise you might end up at the wrong server which does not have the database active.

I hope this is a test/lab environment? 
As you should never use the sa account for applications. the sa account (or other account with sysadmin rights) should only be used for specific administrator activities... you best create a septerate login whith the minimal SQL right required.

One more thing, In order to use the listener of the AG during the App Vol Manager installing configuration, I must first create the AG.

However during the AG creation wizzard the first step that it requieres to me is to chose the desired Database. In this case there is no database on the SQL servers.

So as far as I understand the only way to solve that situation is to first create a "blank" SQL database in one of the SQLservers, then create the AG (as well as the listener), then launch the App Vol manager installation and set the "AG listener" on the correponding field of the SQL config.

....Is that correct?


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You should involve a MS-SQL DBAer 😉
But you should could indeed create a blank/dummy database and add that database to the AG, and then use that database within AppVolumes.

Or you create the database with Appvolumes on one server, then add that tot the AG and change the connection settings on the AppVolumes server.

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Senior Engineer (SDDC, EUC, DBA, Applications) at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL)

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Yeah! I would like to have a MS DBA on my site but I haven't one so I have to perform all the tasks alone.

Anyway I have created the blank database on one SQL server and then I have created te AG without problem with the wizzard.

Later I have deployed the App Vol manager and registered it with the listener of the AG instead of the Cluster. It worked fine...


Edited by D81
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