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Community Code of Conduct and Moderation Guidelines

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Code of Conduct

This community is comprised of global participants with different perspectives, unique backgrounds, culturally based ways of communication and varying knowledge / skills levels. To ensure that all participants have a positive experience in the forums, we expect all users to adhere to the website Terms of Service as well as the Code of Conduct do’s and don’ts that we are sharing here. If the guidelines provided in this living document are not followed, the moderation actions detailed below may be taken. The goal is to create a collaborative forum for education and discussion about our products and solutions, allowing us to work together for the betterment of all our end users. These guidelines are in place to provide clear expectations and ensure this is a safe and respectful place for all users - customers, partners, and employees.  


  • Be respectful: Treat all forum users, including other members, moderators, and employees with kindness, empathy, and respect. Recognize and appreciate the diversity of backgrounds, experiences, knowledge levels, and opinions within our community.
  • Have patience: We know how imperative it is to get your questions answered and your issues resolved, and we will do our best to ensure a great experience seeking help on these forums. During this time of transition there are sure to be some snags, so your patience is appreciated as we stand this forum up and get going! Our internal team will be actively engaged and helping as they can, but research takes time to give our end users practical and validated responses.
  • Use inclusive language: Use inclusive language that promotes a welcoming atmosphere. Avoid offensive or exclusionary comments related to race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or any other personal characteristics.
  • Connect with others: Foster a fun and inclusive community by making friends and welcoming new users. Start conversations by posting your tips and tricks, questions, or anything else related that you want to share. Reply and react to others’ posts and answer questions if you have the knowledge needed to help them out. Ideally, learn from each other and their experiences with our products.
  • Share the things you like: If you find a post particularly helpful or insightful consider sharing it with others. You can even use the Share option at the top of each topic to share it to your social media or via email.
  • Try not to post repetitive content: Use the search function to see if your question has already been answered before you create a new post. 
  • Categorize your content: Help us keep things tidy by posting in the most relevant subforum for your post topic. And help others find the information they need by using our tagging system! If you notice a tag is missing, please let a moderator or admin know. 
  • Participate mindfully: Be considerate and constructive in your communication. Disagreements are natural but please express your views without personal attacks or insults. Encourage open discussion and diverse perspectives.  Keep this forum a safe place for all users of any skillset, knowledge base or place in this technical vertical.  
  • Take responsibility for your actions: Take responsibility for your words and actions. If you make a mistake, apologize and seek to learn from it. Do not engage in behavior that disrupts the positive and inclusive nature of the community. Community is to build strength in a group coming together based on a similar interest and achievable goals.  
  • Follow all directions from community moderators and admins: Adhere to the specific guidelines and directives set forth by the community moderators or administrators. These guidelines are in place to ensure the well-being and positive experience of all community members.
  • Report any concerns: If you see any posts that violate this code of conduct, please use the report feature (which can be found by clicking the three dots at the top of any post or direct message) to alert the community moderators and admins. We are committed to addressing concerns and maintaining a safe environment and will investigate these issues. 

 Do not:

  • Don’t engage in harassment or discrimination: Harassment or discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. Everyone has the right to participate without fear of mistreatment. This includes employees, moderators, and your fellow community members. Do not post about issues with or “call out” other users on public forums, instead please contact a moderator or administrator directly for assistance. 
  • Don’t share unlawful or offensive content: Do not create or post links to content that is offensive, inappropriate, or harmful. This includes but is not limited to hate speech, explicit material, or content promoting violence. 
  • Don’t seek out or share private information: Respect the privacy and consent of others. Do not try to obtain or post anyone else’s personal information. Do not share your own personal information in public forums. Be mindful of the boundaries of others while interacting with them. 
  • Don’t spam: This includes posting promotional content, posting identical messages multiple times, or sharing irrelevant content. 


Moderation guidelines 

These guidelines apply to all users - forum members and our employees are all held to the same standards.

Posts that violate this code of conduct will be deleted and the user will receive a warning, or for more serious offences the user may be temporarily or permanently banned from engaging on the forums (i.e. creating new posts, replying or reacting to posts, and using the private messaging system).  

Users who receive multiple warnings for the same or similar violations may be temporarily banned from engaging on the forums. If the behavior continues after this temporary ban, the user may be permanently banned from engaging on the forums.  

If you wish to appeal a moderation action please direct message the community team for assistance.  

If you feel someone has violated this code of conduct, please use the report feature (which can be found by clicking the three dots at the top of any post or direct message) for assistance. This will alert your community team and they will promptly review the report, intervening as needed.  


Other notes 

Please note that this is a living document which may be edited with additional guidelines as our community continues to grow. Appropriate moderation actions are decided at the sole discretion of the Community Team and may differ from what is indicated here when appropriate based on the severity of the offence. 

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Jenn Godwin

Community Program Manager


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