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Matthew Heldstab

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About Matthew Heldstab

Areas of Interest

  • Areas of Interest
    Horizon 8
    Horizon Cloud
    App Volumes
    Dynamic Environment Manager

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  1. Tomoyuki- Is this what you are talking about? When I connect to a pool that defaults to Blast, using the Horizon Client 8.3 (Build 2106), and change the client protocol to PCoIP it indeed uses PCoIP for me. Are you saying it is reverting to Blast for you?
  2. Currently working on a sizeable Netscaler upgrade project

  3. Good afternoon from Wisconsin -- Loving the forums!
  4. I am not sure that it is deprecated or not, but they have not released a build of it since January 2019 (Build 8456). According to their release notes, it does not support Windows 11 (not that it won't work). https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=54259 https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/mem/configmgr/mdt/release-notes
  5. I was curious what the current process was to submit a feature request for Horizon or other EUC products? Thanks in advance! Matt Heldstab Enterprise Systems Engineer – Minnesota State VMUG Vice President Chair – VMUG Program Success Committee Leader – Minneapolis VMware User Group @mattheldstab on TwiX
  6. Super-excited to watch this new community take shape!
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