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  1. I’m attempting to deploy a custom wallpaper to multiple Samsung Galaxy Active Tab 5 devices using Workspace ONE. I’ve created a custom profile with an XML payload that includes a link to the wallpaper hosted on Google Drive. Despite ensuring the file is publicly accessible and converting the Google Drive link to a direct download URL, the wallpaper deployment isn’t working. I’ve also tried alternative hosting methods like Dropbox but still haven’t succeeded. I’m looking for guidance on the following: Best practices for hosting images that need to be deployed as wallpapers via Workspace ONE. Alternative solutions or specific XML configurations that have worked for others. Any known issues or limitations related to using Google Drive or Dropbox links in Workspace ONE for this purpose. Recommendations on troubleshooting and ensuring the deployment works consistently across all devices. I found this Online, but it was not working for me <wap-provisioningdoc> <characteristic type="Wallpaper"> <parm name="WallpaperUrl" value="https://yourserver.com/path_to_wallpaper.jpg"/> <parm name="WallpaperType" value="HomeScreen"/> </characteristic> </wap-provisioningdoc> *Please do not suggest the deployment of the Launcher. Thank you
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