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  1. If I'm deploying a CSP without an associated "Remove" method (e.g. creating an account), what's the recommended content to put in the "Remove Settings" portion? I've put "None" or "N/A", I've seen others wrap the Install content in "Remove" tags even though it does nothing, and both options report a profile removal failure in the troubleshooting logs. Does it matter?
  2. I'd like to create an account using the Accounts CSP: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/client-management/mdm/accounts-csp But the option is unavailable through a Windows (Beta) profile: Additionally, the Firewall CSP has a lot of fields with identical names, making it very difficult to figure out what applies to what.
  3. After moving a device to another OG, it does not pick up on scripts newly assigned to it. The script does not show up on the device page, and a device restart does not trigger it. We're deploying a script to create the user account, so we can't log in to click "Sync" on the device. Is there some way, via command line, that we can tell the Hub to check in and look for newly assigned scripts? Edit: To clarify, once we click "Query" in the console, the device finally sees the script and runs it successfully. However, we need this to be automated, and taken care of by the device itself.
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