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Lola Groppi

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About Lola Groppi

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  1. Energetic is a fun word! How can it be "energetic"? For example, using exclamation points, using specific words, etc.? Any examples :)
  2. Let's say WS1 has an AI bot assistant. Imagine you're introducing the AI assistant to your team on its first day of work. How would you describe its personality and vibe in a sentence or two? Get creative and let me know!
  3. I can't design worth a crap, so I feel that! Luckily you and I just get to request what we want and someone else makes it 🙂
  4. @Dominik OHH I wouldn't have of RTT - tell me more....what specific metrics for RTT would you like?
  5. Haven't heard of using ChatGPT for creating scripts! How accurate is it? How does it stack against building in WS1?
  6. @Daniel Keer that makes sense! Thanks for sharing! Up to how many apps would you like to see here? With a bar graph there's likely a limit...or is there a different type of graph that you'd like for App Usage?
  7. Hey Community, Curious what AI solutions, if any, you have explored and how that experience is going? Top-of-mind: Microsoft Copilot Microsoft Intune Copilot Palantir PLEASE tell me there is NO competition to Microsoft's Almighty Clippy 🙂
  8. Hey EUCers, Design wants to hear your opinion on what metrics/information you'd like to access on the Monitor page in Horizon 8 (picture below). By "Horizon 8" we mean: On-Prem, not connected to the Cloud. Some examples: End user sessions and consumption? Infrastructure health and availability? Share your ideas, sky's the limit!
  9. Hey Community, My name’s Lola, and I’m a UX Researcher for EUC Design. Our paths may have crossed recently when I’ve bugged you to participate in a focus group conversation, or in my past life at Spiceworks (kinda like Reddit for IT pros) where I was a Community moderator. I guess I can’t get enough of all things IT?! Super stoked for this forum, and can’t wait to share cool research + testing opportunities for you to join!
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