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Andreano Lanusse

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Posts posted by Andreano Lanusse

  1. Most likely there is LB config issue that is impacting  the client and server, review your LB configuration as described here 


    Ensure you are not doing ssl offloading on the LB.

    Finally , check this article that provide great details on how tunnel handle communication.


  2. Microsoft recently released the Recall (preview) feature with Windows 11 and lots of feedback out there regarding the security and privacy issues, one of them the fact that the data Recall collects is actually unencrypted when a user is logged on to their device, which can expose personal data and for corporate devices confidential information.

    The following blog by @Kevin Ten Eyck, @Andreano Lanusse and Dean Flaming shows how to turn-off Recall on Windows devices with Workspace ONE UEM, in addition to demonstrate with other examples how information can be exposed with the recall feature.


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  3. Scripts differ from Sensors in that they do not return a specific value, rather they return an execution status.

    The console shows the script status on the device details page based on the execution code as:

    • Executed - Workspace ONE UEM displays this status after the exit code returns a 0.
    • Failed - Workspace ONE UEM displays this status after the exit code returns any value that is not a 0.

    The syntax on your script is basically a line calling Exit 0 or Exit 1.

    Hope this helps.

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  4. There are some changes coming that will improve the navigation on UEM Console, it's already available in few Shared SaaS UATs environments (CN135, CN137, CN138), we encourage all customers to try out the new experience before we rolled out in production with the next UEM release.

    Attached a preview of what is coming.

    For more information visit this KB https://kb.omnissa.com/s/article/97771.



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  5. If you are a Citrix Administrator and want to learn more about how Horizon is designed, you need to check the Tech Zone article Introduction to VMware Horizon for Citrix Practitioners,  the content is organized in a manner to be readily consumable by Citrix practitioners. The intent is to help Citrix practitioners understand components in a Horizon environment, compared to how they are typically organized in a Citrix Desktops & Apps deployment.

    It is not a comparison of features in Citrix against what is available in Horizon. The content is not a complete list of Horizon’s features and capabilities. This asset intends to help you understand the basic Horizon environment, and point you to resources for more detailed information so that you can continue your learning about the Horizon platform.

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  6. With the new Device Tags rule added to the device compliance engine in Workspace ONE UEM, administrators have greater control over the conditions to determine if the device is not compliant, administrators can manually tag a device or leverage automated workflows to determine device compliance based on the device posture.

    The Streamlining Device Compliance and Tags with Workspace ONE UEM blog post brings more technical details and use cases on how to apply that, check it out!!!

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  7. Lot's of talk about the concepts behind Zero Trust, but the real question is how to leverage Workspace ONE and Horizon, as my existing investments in other products to implement Zero Trust?

    You can find the answer in Tech Zone, where we published several guides implementing different use cases, to get started check out the following articles:

    If you are starting with Zero Trust and need to learn the bases, check out the Understand Zero Trust Resource Page https://techzone.omnissa.com/understanding-zero-trust


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  8. Workspace ONE UEM leverages the iOS update framework to keep iOS devices up-to-date, check out this tutorial to learn:

    • How Workspace ONE UEM handles conflicting updates for iOS.
    • Details the steps for assigning updates for iOS devices.
    • Explains additional management options for changing assignments and monitoring the status of an update on iOS devices


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  9. Lots of challenge those days around VPN solution, Workspace ONE Tunnel brings a new approach to increase security and end-user privacy, such as:

    • Per application and per domain tunneling specifies the endpoint applications that can generate traffic towards the tunnel, significantly limit the surface of attack in case the endpoint is infected with malware.
    • Designed around privacy, end-user knows what traffic is getting tunneling, allowing the separation of personal and corporate traffic.
    • IT has the option to allow only Workspace ONE managed, registered and compliant devices to send traffic through the tunnel. Policies can be created to allow non-IT managed devices to access the web only but not internal resources, protecting the corporate infrastructure from vulnerable user-owned devices.
    • Workspace ONE Tunnel integrates with the core of the OS platform, enabling split-tunneling to reduce load on the backend only tunneling the required traffic.
    • Workspace ONE Tunnel integrates with Mobile Threat Defense to enable Phishing and Content protection on mobile devices, preventing malicious content from being loaded while applying device traffic rules and policies.

    Check out the Secure Remote Access to Applications (VPN Replacement) resource page to learn more how to transition from legacy VPN solutions and take the modern Tunnel approach.



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