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Basic Forum Tips & Tricks

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The community team is thrilled to welcome everyone into our new forums! As we get started there are so many features and settings for you to take advantage of and make your forum experience great.  This post will go over a handful of the most helpful features to start using, and our team will share more tips & tricks here in the forum resources section as time goes on.


When you want to create a post on the forums you can either use the +Create button at the top of the screen and select the correct sub forum from the drop down list, or you can go into the sub forum you wish to post in and use the Start new topic button there.



You will notice that some of the sections do not allow topics to be posted. These are categories that hold more specific sub forums, so if you go one level deeper you should be able to post just fine!

Tagging & marking solutions

When you post, be sure to tag your content. This will help us ensure content is in the correct subforums, make our search results better, and make it easy for other users to find your content. This is a great way to assist others who might have the same question as you, or who are searching the site and might find the insights that you are sharing helpful.

If you aren't sure what tag to use or how to spell it, just start typing. Our list of predefined tags will pop up and you can choose from them, or create your own.



If you ask a question and someone answers it in a way that resolves your issue, please feel free to mark the response as the solution. This helps other users who are looking at your post quickly find the correct answer!



Interacting & engaging with others

We encourage you to get involved in this community space, and engage with other users here. There are many ways you can do that, such as reacting to posts and replying with comments of your own!



You can also follow forum members to stay up to date with their content. A good place to find people to follow could be on the leaderboard, or you can follow anyone by going to their profile page and using the +Follow Member button.



If you ever see content that is not meeting the requirements in our Code of Conduct, please let the community team know by selecting the three dot symbol on the top of any post or direct message and using the Report feature.



Adjusting your account settings

There are many personalization options that you can adjust in your account settings, such as your display name and post signature. You can access the account settings by selecting your profile in the upper right hand corner, selecting Account Settings, and selecting the various tabs on the left hand menu.



Okay - that's enough for now, this post is already way too long! I hope these tips help you in your forum journey, and the community team will be back with more in another post. 


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Jenn Godwin

Community Program Manager


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1 hour ago, Joel Barrett said:

This is good info and should be tagged as a "Must Read".

Good idea Joel, I'll update the tags here!

Jenn Godwin

Community Program Manager


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