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VMWare Workspace ONE products sent via API delayed


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We are running a product we have setup in Workspace ONE via the api/mdm/products/reprocessProduct API. Sometimes the product will run straight away, and other times it will be delayed (i.e. > 30mins). When it's delayed, we can force it to process by clicking "Query" button for the device in the Workspace ONE UEM console (Devices > Details View > Device > Query). In this situation, it appears the product sent via the API is queued and only sent to the device when the Query button is clicked.

Note: We haves set ForceFlag = true, in the repcoessProduct API call. According to the documentation, this should mean the product is processed straight away without delay.

How can we make sure the product is run straight away when sent via the API? For our use case, it's critical the product is processed quickly without delay.


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Thanks @Sascha Warno. We cannot find any API named SyncDevice. We tried a few but none is actually reaching the device immediately.

https://xx.awmdm.com/API/mdm/devices/3602/commands?command=DeviceQuery (this one returns a 500)

Any suggestion on which endpoint we should be using?

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  • Employee

My initial check was in Beta env. Tested in another environment and works fine there. Also had some others check and works for them. https://xx.awmdm.com/API/mdm/devices/3602/commands?command=SyncDevice would be the right one.

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Hi Sascha, glad we were on the right path. Below the environment details and an example of the response.

POST /API/mdm/devices/3602/commands?command=SyncDevice HTTP/1.1
Host: as2108.awmdm.com

    "errorCode": 1000,
    "message": "Internal Server Error",
    "activityId": "1ef04788-ccd6-4e4a-a0f3-1b6b975c4555"
I am not sure how to get to the version. From the UI it says:
Version: (2310)
Build Information:
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Hi @Stefano A! This KB article includes the current channels you can use for reaching out to Omnissa Support:
1. Raise a support request through https://customerconnect.omnissa.com
2. Use the listed Support phone numbers.

Hope you find this helpful. Let us know if you have troubles getting through to Support, so we can try to provide additional resources.  

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