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Horizon Client 2406 Causing Crash

Bryan Klinkel

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Our environment is Horizon 2212 on Windows 10 22H2 and everything was working great until folks that WFH had their Horizon clients auto update to Horizon client 2406.  Now sessions are crashing.  Submitted a ticket but wanted thoughts from the community.

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The client opens fine but when you try to connect to a server, the client crashes/disappears while leaving the icon in the tray.

Now, there are times where you are able to connect to that server but once you disconnect from the session and later try to reconnect to that server, the client reverts back to the crash behavior.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Out of interest, which OS are the WFH users running on their local machines? (W10, W11, MacOS, Other?)

I use Server 2022 on my local device at home (makes life easier compared to a desktop OS) and have been running the 2406 Client since it was launched without issue.

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Noticed some tickets about the new Horizon client 2406. People having issues with connecting and authenticate. With the old client everything was working great. Not all clients have the same issue. At my personal device the 2406 client is working like a charm. 

I'm also interested in the OS of the WFH Users. At this moment we have a IT call in combination with a personal device "Windows 10 Home edition 22H2, build 19045.4780" 


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For the WFH users OS, since its their personal PCs, we usually don't have that info unless necessary.  We were doing the same thing as others here, just revert back to an older version of the client.

This has been happening on my own PC at home and I have W10 22H2 plus I use MS Win Sec/Defender.

Odd thing is that if I turn off the Win Sec Control Flow Guard for vmware-view.exe, the 2406 client works like a champ. If I enable CFG again, the client goes back to disappearing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/9/2024 at 20:52, Robin Harmsen said:

Supongo que no es muy útil, pero no vemos ningún problema importante al utilizar el cliente 2406 en nuestro entorno.

yo tengo el mismo problema en mi Chromebook vmware horizont client en esa versión funciona pero no abre las maquinas virtuales me hecha en el momento. en la versión anterior si funciona bien.

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On 9/4/2024 at 8:52 PM, Robin Harmsen said:

Supongo que no es muy útil, pero no vemos ningún problema importante al utilizar el cliente 2406 en nuestro entorno.

yo tengo un problema en chrome os flex, en mis maquinas el vmware horizont client versión 2406 no funciona ya que el programa entra pero al ejecutar la maquina virtual se cierra inesperado. en  el log no logro comprender el porque de ese suceso cuando la versión anterior funciona perfectamente. hasta ahora mis trabajadores siguen trabajando con la versión anterior 

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20 hours ago, Victor León said:


There will be a dump file in the client log bundle. You can use WinDbg to review the file. 

Is the faulting module: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll ?

We are working on a fix with above module coming with 2406.1

There aren't any dump files in the log bundle which is also odd.  Hopefully the fix will resolve the issue.

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