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Sean Massey-1

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About Sean Massey-1

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  1. After seeing many load balancing questions on Reddit, I decided to write up an overview post on Horizon 8 Load Balancing. You can check out the post here: https://thevirtualhorizon.com/2024/06/17/omnissa-horizon-load-balancing-overview/
  2. This almost sounds like a network issue as a “timeout and not connect” could be that the NFS array is unreachable. Another thing to check would be your NFS export configuration - if it’s not configured to allow your DR hosts to connect, you will get a timeout error.
  3. To build on what @Rob Beekmans said, you'll want to look at how they're deploying their desktops or RDSH servers. Are they using MCS or PVS? If they're using PVS, that might require an image rebuild since PVS is built for network boots. I'm not sure how common PVS is these days, but it might still be around in large scale deployments. What other ecosystem tools are they using? Are they using the full Citrix stack for things like profile management and app layering? 3rd-party tools like FSLogix or Liquidware? Or is it a simple environment without any extra components? What are their plans for Netscaler? Are they planning to keep it for load balancing other workloads, so you can use it with your UAGs and other Horizon components? Or do you need to find a new load balancer solution to support this environment? And finally, I would recommend doing an actual performance assessment and use case validation. Make sure that you have good performance baselines in the existing Citrix environment so you can compare it to a post-deployment/migration Horizon environment, and you can use these numbers to validate that you have the right hardware or virtual machine sizing.
  4. This is a great article for getting started, and I found it helpful in designing my process with Hashicorp Packer.
  5. Glad to be here! Looking forward to seeing this community grow.
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